Someone at a club meeting last night told me that the Gotenna Pro was in production with specs that include 2m and 70cm. I did a little research and I indeed see that in the specs. I brought this product to the board’s attention in March of 2018 (see [arrl-odv:27132]). At that time I was assured someone was on top of this. Are we?
https://gotennapro.com/pages/spec-sheets?_sc=1&design_theme_id=73675964464&f... <https://gotennapro.com/pages/spec-sheets?_sc=1&design_theme_id=73675964464&frame_token=maeHsjLfa5O_XFFCDjm6wOSC5kh9JEA5_6asMqw-8XBlcQQZ-KyfkRXMUPZZMKczb7YNVmg5B6M1SgVDhwKn9HyPPvtnqOAmbox_BjsKnQNUjSwd2yjK2svdCwBzTtZJfpZMXFtDraVHSYjrezXuyw%3D%3D>
I tracked down the FCC ID and found that it’s authorized under Part 15 with frequencies that are outside our bands. But does the device have the ability to transmit through the whole range of frequencies mentioned in the specs? Do we know? Has the ARRL Lab tested this device? https://fccid.io/2ABVK37337 -Kristen (K6WX) "Your eyes ... it's a day's work just looking into them" Laurie Anderson (--... ...-- -.. . -.- -.... .-- -..-)