Harold Please confirm the number of LoTW users (you said it was 73k+). How many Centennial Vibroflex keys were sold? What was the net profit? How do we communicate to the members that we have an affinity insurance program with Liberty Mutual? Do members receive discounts from Liberty as against the normal insurance costs, or does the ARRL just get a cut of the action? What other insurance companies have we Which product divisions in publication sales failed to meet their revenue projections? How much inventory does Amazon require we maintain at their Fulfillment Centers and at how many Centers do we maintain inventory? What percentage of the products shipped to the Fulfillment Centers is returned by Amazon as unsold? Are there plans to charge for the use of the /*Exam Review Online*/ site after it is out of beta and stable? (It has promise). Do we know the sell through/click through rate for the digital ads in digital QST? Do the advertisers view the digital ads as increasing their return on their advertising? Where will the new media facility be located and how much do we project it will cost? Thanks. 73 *-----------------------------------------------------* ** John Robert Stratton N5AUS Office telephone: 512-445-6262 Cell: 512-426-2028 PO Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *-----------------------------------------------------*