WHEREAS the position of Vice Director has,among its purposes, to provide membership representatives read and able, at a moments notice, to take assume the control and management of the League, it shall henceforth be the policy and practice of this Board that:
1. The Vice Directors shall be considered as and treated as a class of DIrectors, subject to the limitations detailed in the Articles of Incorporation; and
2. All League communication and information available and accessible to Directors shall be equally available and accessible to VIce DIrectors. This includes, but is not limited to, email lists (such as OD/ODV), written material, and general corporate information, including information available by right to Directors under state or federal law; and
3. Vice Directors shall be bound by all the same rules of duty, obligation, and right as Directors, including, but not limited to, legal requirements, rights, and limitations; and
3. The President shall appoint a committee with the charter to investigate whether or not amendments to the Articles and/or Bylaws are necessary or advisable to enforce or solidify this policy. The committee shall report at the summer Board meeting, and shall, if it determines such to be advisable, present at least 60 days before that Board meeting any proposed amendments to the Articles and Bylaws to effect this policy.