John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
Subject: | More Maui disaster information |
Resent-From: | n5aus@arrl.org |
Date: | Sat, 12 Aug 2023 17:23:59 +0000 |
From: | ARRL ID Section <arrl.idaho@gmail.com> |
Reply-To: | ARRL ID Section <arrl.idaho@gmail.com> |
To: | n5aus@arrl.org |
https://sec-emcomm.groups.io/g/main. If you wish to join this group, be sure to include your Amateur Radio Call sign or emergency/disaster organization you represent.
Updates on Maui's Amateur Radio and communication infrastructure amid wildfires, detailing affected and operational radio systems, repeaters, and other emergency communication details. (Big Island may be adding to this list) This file: https://bit.ly/HAM-UPDATE - Send updated to KH6ML808@gmail.com
https://bit.ly/Maui-ICS-205-HAM - Updated by KH6ML and KH6UU
Suggest you download and print - Load into the radio.
MAUI_KG-UV3D_20230811_CODEPLUG.IMG.txt (Download and rename by removing the .txt) If updates are needed, contact KH6WG skawamae@gmail.com
Radio Bulletins RE: Maui Wildfires have affected phones, internet, and cell services across Maui. VERY Limited Cell contact was established with Lahaina or its ham operators due to burned fiber lines and VERY limited hams in the area.
KH6COM Linked Repeater Update As of 8/11//2023 7:50 am, operational in Central Maui, Haleakala Summit, Lanai, Molokai. Repeaters on the Whaler and Kaanapali Beach Hotel lost linking due to fiber optics cables burned. Those in Lahaina can utilize the Pu’u O Hoku Ranch repeater at the East end of Molokai. Maui County Repeater system See https://bit.ly/Maui-ICS-205-HAM
Maui Winlink Status- See https://bit.ly/Maui-ICS-205-HAM
Stations are operational but some face internet disruptions.
Can still function as digipeaters.
HF Stations are suggested to monitor 7.088 LSB. Your participation is crucial during this time. SEE 40meter.net Informal Nets held at 9 am, Noon and 4 pm.
DMR-Hawaii- Lost Kula and West Maui repeaters IP connectivity, repeaters in local mode only.
Lahaina DMR is on, local mode only, no IP connection 444.82500 + cc 3 ( 8/10/2023 1:00 pm) Wailuku DMR is on, IP connected 444.9500 + cc 3 Use HI-1 (3115) TS-1, HI-2 (31150) TS-2
Mauna Kea Repeater at the top of Big Island is on the air for EMCOMM purposes, 146.720, Negative Offset, - pl 100.0 FM (4:33 PM 8/9/2023
Haleakala Vara Gateway/ Digipeater Protocol:9pm 8/10/2023 working Should KH6COM-10 encounter connectivity problems, it will continue as a Digipeater. KH6ML and digipeat via KH6COM-10 on 441.000.
Change to 441.000 KH6ML Winlink Gateway to service Maui -Station: KH6ML: 441.000 VARA FM Kaneohe, Oahu
Status: Operational as a Winlink Gateway with internet
Note: Please limit testing to affected areas.
Hawaii Allstar Repeaters online on Maui County:
WH6AV - Wailuku 443.025 (+) PL 103.5 Repeater
WH6CYD - Pukalani 147.140 (+) PL 88.5 Repeater
WH6YF - Lahaina 147.540 PL 100 Simplex (Offline) Fire related
WH6FQM - Lahaina 444.800 (+) PL 88.5 Repeater (Offline) Fire related
WH6FGS - Wailuku 442.525 (+) PL 100 Repeater
WH6FEO - Wailuku 446.175 PL 100 Simplex
AH6MA – Napili 147.495 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
WH6FGX – Waiau 147.510 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
WH6IT – Ho’olehua 147.420 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
WH6IT – Kaunakakai 145.370 (-) PL 88.5 Repeater
KH6CED - Lanai City 147.435 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
WH6DNN – Lanai City 147.510 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
8/10/2023 Frequency Correction on the Pukalani Repeater - WH6CYD - Pukalani 147.140 (+) PL 88.5 Repeater
12:19 pm 8/9/23 checked AREDN microwave link Waialae Iki to Haleakala PtP link operational LQ 100% both directions. Microwave to internet crossover on Oahu is Kaimuki one hop from Waialae Iki. Received AREDN call a little while later from Mitch advising the KH6MP-3 gateway on 145.09 is available and reachable from West Maui and Upcountry and/or Digipeat WH6FVX in Kula.
Repeater is now working Pu'u O Hoku Ranch on Molokai ( KH6HHG 8/10/2023 11:20am)
Working now Haleakala Vara Gateway/ Digipeater Protocol: 6:00PM 8/10/2023 Some reports of this not working. ARRL HQ has been informed of the situation and is ready to assist if HawaiiARES request. (8/9/2023 11:01 am)
Normal Weekly HF ARES Net on Wednesday night 18:30 on 7.088 LSB
California Hawaii Net - Wide Coverage Net - North America & Pacific Traffic Handling: Emergency Traffic Weather - Uses Netlogger Frequencies: 14.340 USB M-F at 7am HST / 1700 UTC
Please stay vigilant and safe. We extend our gratitude for your amateur radio service. 8/9/2023 10:00am LOCAL AND Visitors that are displaced and do not have accommodations on Oahu can go to Hawaii Convention Center. Help & information Shelter information and family reunification hotline American Red Cross 800-733-2767
Please Call or text for emergencies - Maui 911 back up 2-911
Maui County Emergency Management Agency twitter.com/Maui_EMA
Traffic updates on TwitterHawaii Twitter.com/DOTHawaii
Situation updates on Twitter County of Maui twitter.com/CountyofMaui
Situation updates on FacebookCounty of Maui facebook.com/countyofmaui
Impacted areas are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. Check official sources for more information.