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73, Art K0AIZ
NASA’s 60th Birthday
W6VIO (JPLARC) is participating in the NASA on the Air (NOTA) special event, NASA’s 60th Birthday. NOTA runs through December 2018. NOTA is hosted and coordinated by all of the NASA center amateur radio clubs. Hams are encouraged to contact as many NASA Facilities, on as many bands and modes, as they can. One point for each. Details for the NASA on The Air event may be found at the group website:
You can check how you are doing chasing the various NASA clubs at
NASA on the Air Special Event station, W6VIO, from the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) is on the air almost every day. We currently operate 80-2 meters SSB and CW.
Text 562-418-3499 for current frequency/mode or to make schedules to maximize your contacts with W6VIO.
Mike K6ICS
W6VIO operator
TEXT: 562-418-3499
The JPL ARC is in the process of designing their commemorative QSL card.for the event. To receive a special event QSL card from W6VIO:
®USA addresses please send a self-address stamped envelope (SASE).
®International addresses, please send a self-address envelope (SAE) with US$2.00.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Post Office Box 842
La Canada, California 91012-0842