
Please see my forwarded email to OD below. This is based on Chris' Version C presented In June. 

73 ES CU tomorrow!

David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director, Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Norris <>
Date: July 16, 2017 at 10:07:22 PM EDT
To: arrl-od <>
Subject: [arrl-od:3393] Norris 1 ARRL AABL Revisions Motion 072017



Please review the attached draft motion titled Norris -1, seconded by Director Williams.  This motion addresses the legal concerns put forth by Day Pitney while retaining the Vice Directors as elected ARRL officials.  The Vice Directors continue in their current roles as our good lieutenants with the ability to serve on committees and attend board meetings when authorized as is the current practice.  This AABL version is based on “Pace 2.1” – hat tip Director Pace-  and contains all the other  revisions recommended by the working group of the Executive Committee.  I will not drone on with a sales pitch as I think this revised AABL speaks for itself and stand on its own legs and merits.  This is a good compromise proposal that meets the legal and liability obligations per the Day Pitney memo.


Please give this draft due consideration and I thank you in advance for doing so.  I will share with ODV Tuesday. 


73 ES DX



David A. Norris, K5UZ

Director, Delta Division


ARRL The National Association for Amateur RadioTM