I am enroute to Friedrichshafen
for Ham Radio 2006 and want to give you a brief update on a couple of items.
- Legislative – As
you know, our BPL language is in the House version of the Telecom Bill. We
are now focusing on the Senate as they debate their version in the Senate Commerce
Committee. As you have probably seen in the news, there is quite a wrangle
in the Senate over the telecom bill that involves a number of
controversial items. Senator McCain has agreed to introduce our amendment,
however due to this situation the draft bill is encountering an
opportunity may not present itself in the committee. Therefore, yesterday
McCain’s staff contacted Chwat and asked if they are not able to get
the amendment introduced in committee, would be open to having it
introduced from the Senate floor when the bill comes up for debate. There
is some risk in doing this, and it will involve quite a grassroots effort
on our part in soliciting letters to 100 Senators for support, but it is
an option that Dave and I felt we had to have if things didn’t go
well in committee. We posed the question to the Executive Committee
yesterday and after some discussion the EC gave the go ahead for Chwat to
tell McCain’s staff to plan on introducing the amendment from the
Senate floor if things don’t get done in the committee.
That is where we are at the moment. The draft bill is
still being worked in the Senate Commerce Committee. Even if the Senate doesn’t
include our amendment, we still have the House version that will have to be
worked out with the Senate in a Conference.
- There is no news (or
even rumors) to report from FCC on when action may occur on the three
items we have pending; WT Docket 04-140, License Restructuring, Regulation
by Bandwidth. As you have seen there is action from the Enforcement Bureau
regarding Manassas,
so someone is consuming oxygen over there. We continue to needle them at
every corner about our pending items but unfortunately I have no news in
this area.
- The 2006 Second
Meeting of the board is just around the corner. You will have a draft
agenda in a few days, however please be aware that what will be proposed
is NOT to show up in Connecticut and sit around for two days hearing what
we have all been doing for the past six months. We will utilize the
consent agenda and work toward completing our regular business during day
1. Day 2 is planned to be utilized for an update of our Strategic Plan.
Preparation is being made now for this effort. It will not be a full detailed
working with “Bud” like the last one but rather an update.
Also, Thursday evening has been reserved for a presentation by the
Grassroots Ad-Hoc Committee. In addition, AMSAT has requested, and has
been invited to present an update on their work and what their plans are
with Eagle. This will occur Friday evening following our dinner and will
be a maximum of one hour, no more.
So, if you chair a committee, begin working on your
reports now. It is imperative that these reports are filed in a timely manner.
Yes, I know some of the committees will meet just prior to the board meeting,
but that in no way means you have to withhold reporting the work you have done
up to this point. Please – start preparing your reports if you have one
- On June 9 and 10 I
attended HamCom in Plano,
TX. A nice article is on
ARRLWeb and accurately describes the event. The new location is very nice
and an excellent facility to hold such a convention. Director Butler sent
an email to you concerning a National Convention. Please review that and
comment if you have not done so already.
That’s all for now. I’ll be returning Monday evening. I don’t
know if I’ll have email access or not. The last time I was in Friedrichshafen there was
none available from this area, however that was several years ago. Attending
Ham Radio 2006 this year in addition to me will be Vice President Stafford,
IARU President Price, IARU Vice President Elam, and Director Frank Butler
(attending own his on expense).
My current schedule is attached below.
73 Joel W5ZN
June 21-26 Ham Radio-Friedrichshafen
July 8-9 IARU HF World Championship - W5ZN
July 20-23 ARRL 2006 Second Meeting, Board of Directors
July 28-30 Central States VHF Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN
August 4-6 WIMU Convention - Jackson, WY
August 10-12 Perseids Meteor Shower - W5ZN
August 18-20 Alabama Section Convention- Huntsville, AL
August 25-27 ARRL New England Division Convention - Boxboro, MA
September 9-10 ARRL VHF Contest - W5ZN
September 16 ARRL 10 GHz & Up Contest - W5ZN
October 7 Executive Committee Meeting (Location TBD)
October 13-15 Pacific Division Convention PACIFICON,
November 4 ARRL Sweepstakes, CW - W5ZN
December 2-3 ARRL 160 Meter Contest - W5ZN
December 12-14 Geminids Meteor Shower - W5ZN
January 18-21 ARRL 2007 Annual Meeting, Board of Directors - Hartford, CT
January 27-28 CQWW 160 Meter Contest, CW - W5ZN
May 18-20 Dayton Hamvention – Dayton, OH
July 19-22 ARRL 2007 Second Meeting, Board of Directors - Hartford, CT
July 27-29 Central States VHF Society Conference – San Antonio, TX