Good point Dick,

Is there any cogent reason why we can't all just send an email saying we've read it?  What does the signature aspect of this really add ?  How does this process benefit the League beyond what a simple email would do ?  De we expect people to agree, then later to deny they agreed ?  Why wouldn't a copy of the email fix this ?

Why all the formality?


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Norton via arrl-odv <>
To:; <>
Cc: ExecAdmin <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 3, 2023 10:25 am
Subject: [arrl-odv:34433] Re: IMPORTANT - Conflict of Interest Certification Form

Is there some benefit in having 40 or so people 

1) Download an attachment
2) Print it
3) Sign the printed form
4) Scan the signed form
5) Prepare an email
6) Attach the file of the scanned copy
7) Send the email 

Then have a staff member either

1) Open up 40 emails
2) Open up or download 40 attachments
3) Check and verify that the forms are actually signed 
4) Print or electronically store the attachments

As opposed to having 40 printed copies of the form available for signing at the meeting?


Dick, N6AA 

On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 6:27 AM, Gonzalez, Juan Pablo (JP), KC1RNY
<> wrote:
Dear Members of the ODV,
Along with greeting you and hoping you have a good day; I’m writing you this email to inform you that you are required to read, sign, and send the Conflict-of-Interest Certification Form, as established in By-Law 46.
As a reminder, per By-Law 46, section f:
“(f) Annual Statements
Each Board Member and Vice Director shall annually sign a statement which affirms that such person:
1) Has received a copy of the current Conflict of Interest policy set forth in this Bylaw;
2) Has read the Bylaw;
3) Agrees to comply with the disclosure requirements; and
4) Acknowledges that the League is a non-profit organization and that in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
The failure of a Board Member or Vice Director to sign such statement on a timely basis will render that Board Member or Vice Director ineligible to serve or continue to serve.”
Please read the attached By-Law and return a signed Certification page to before January 18, 2023. 
Thank you, and Happy New Year.
Juan Pablo Gonzalez, KC1RNY
Administrative Assistant
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT  06111
(860) 594-0220
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