Technically, a membership includes subscription to On the Air, QST, QEX
and NCJ. Of those, membership includes a choice of mail delivery of either
QST or On the Air, and the remaining publications are available online.
Maybe the fine print needs get finer by a font or two…
Mickey Baker
Director, Southeastern Division
Phone (561) 320-2775
arrl-odv <> on behalf of Michael Ritz <>
Date: Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 5:07 PM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:32218] Subscription rates in QST
I was looking through my latest (May 2021) QST, and noticed something odd, at least to me. On the bottom of Page 5 there is all the fine print about costs for subscriptions,
I noticed the following: "Membership in ARRL, including a 1-year subscription to QST, is available to individuals at $49.
Licensed radio amateurs age 21 and under, and the eldest licensee in the household may qualify for the rate of $25 ......
I thought the Board voted to change the 21 old year requirement to 26 years old a few Board meetings ago?
Shouldn't it also say "QST or On The Air magazines", since members now have a choice between the two?
Maybe the 26 year old requirement was for something else?