Good Afternoon:


First, all reports of the next “storm of the century” in CT today were way off base. We have yet to see one snowflake fall in Newington. Later tonight will be a different story, but we’ll wait until tomorrow morning to make any decisions about the workday then.


We will be posting the following notice on the web site later today or tomorrow:


“….LoTW May Be Unavailable for Brief Periods on March 26: Scheduled maintenance for Logbook of The World (LoTW) will take place on Monday, March 26, 1300 to 1500 UTC, in order to perform system upgrades. During that window, users are advised that the LoTW system may be unavailable for short periods….”


This info will also be posted on the LoTW Yahoo Group.



Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY

Chief Executive Officer

ARRL, Inc.

The national association for Amateur Radio


(860) 594-0212