On Monday, August 24, 2020, 16:07, rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
Fellow ODV -Please see the note below concerning MARS. I have been trying over thelast year and a half to get some traction on this, but betweenleadership changes we haven't gotten much done. I am hoping since wenow have a new emcomm director AND a new permanent CEO starting nextmonth that we can finally get something done.MARS' mission is closely aligned with ours and those that I know inthis area are very dedicated to their mission.It is definitely an alliance worth strengthening.73Ria, N2RJ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Ken Brown <W2KB@arrl.net>Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 at 17:02Subject: MARS Region concern with ARRL HQ Communications with its SectionsHi Ria,As the NJ Air Force MARS commander, I wish to make you aware of aconcern expressed by one of the MARS region (Army) or wing (Air Force)leaders which arose the other day during a webinar reviewing theresults of the recent emergency drill COMEX 20-3, which among otherthings interfaced with ARES and other ham groups. The comment wasmade in reply to the below item in Chief Army MARS’ presentation:“ImprovesWe still need to work on liaising better with ARS community (moreadvanced notice, simplified instruction, read ahead of 60 meter TTPmanual, working with state-level ARRL and other leadership; considerMARS MOUs at HQ to HQ level with ARRL, SATERN, RACES, etc.)”A significant part of MARS’ emphasis of late has been to obtain statusinformation on local, county and state systems (utilities, airports,roads and transportation, public health facilities, etc.), andconsolidating into MARS message format and forwarding same to federalofficials whom in a real event where conventional communicationssystems failed would then be best positioned to deploy assistanceresources based upon that information. Ham radio in general, withemphasis on ARES and NTS operators, is viewed as a significant sourceof obtaining such information for MARS members to acquire and forwardto the federal concerned federal agencies, simulating the completefailure of other means of communication. Hence is why the MARS Chiefsfeel that an MOU with ARRL to gain a better understanding of themutual needs and benefits would be advisable.The region leader commented to the effect that ARRL HQ does not appearto have much communication with or provide sufficient guidance anddirection to the Section level appointees, and in particular ARES andNTS Section leaders. It appears that the commentator did not thinkthat entering into a memorandum of understanding between MARS and theLeague would be of much benefit for that reason. I am not certainfrom which region or wing the comment was made, and so far a link to arecording has not been made available, so I cannot review it todetermine the origin of the concern. I am reasonably certain that thecomment was not made by a representative of MARS Region 2 / Wing 2which includes the Hudson Division.Here in NNJ the communication by and with W2VTV concerning the MARSCOMEXs has been exemplary, but if the commentator’s assertion has anyvalidity in other Sections or Divisions, it is something to keep inmind should the MARS Chiefs pursue the MOI with the League. I’ll keepyou informed should I learn of any further developments. Please feelfree to ask me any questions, and especially so should this matter bepresented to the ARRL Board if I may be of assistance.Thank you for your outstanding efforts on behalf of the Amateur Radio community!73,---Ken Brown - W2KB_______________________________________________arrl-odv mailing list