Our best wishes on the surgery. While I have not had to undergo
surgery, I had a serious case of carpal tunnel syndrome for a while (an
occupational hazard in my trade), and those splints are no fun at all
when trying to type. Actually, I developed a fear of carpool lanes
in highway tunnels as a result, which is called "Carpool Tunnel
Syndrome"... (groan).
On the advice of my Elmer, I learned to send CW with my left hand (I'm
right-handed) from the beginning. It's a terrific advantage to lift
you foot off the footswitch and have a pencil already in your writing
hand and the pad of paper or your logbook in the correct position for
writing. Along the way, I also learned to use the computer's mouse
with either hand (without reversing the buttons) so I can avoid all the
repetitive motion problems that cause carpal tunnel syndrome. I
like to think of the ability as being "ambimoustrous" (groan
again... but not too loudly as that only encourages me).
Seriously, best wishes and I'm sure the staffers there will take good
care of you when you return to the office.
Andy Oppel, N6AJO
At 01:31 PM 10/21/2004, you wrote:
While tomorrow is
listed in the IN Newsletter as a vacation day for me, in fact I will be
undergoing outpatient surgery on my left hand tomorrow morning. I have a
hereditary condition called Dupuytren's Contracture, which if untreated
will result in my fingers eventually curling into my palm (two of them
are about halfway there already).
My hand will be in a cast for a while, after which I'll have
to wear a splint and do physical therapy. Keyboarding will be problematic
for a while.
Fortunately, while I'm left-handed, I send CW with my right
Dave K1ZZ