Vol. 30, No. 36
September 5, 2007 -- Covers the period August 26-September 1.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Executive Committee
October 6 in Little Rock, AR
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
October 8-12 – ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 16 in Newington, CT
Administration &Finance Committee
November 17 in Newington, CT
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
After returning from vacation, most of the week was spent responding to several hundred emails and phone queries. These ranged from queries about reciprocal operating and licensing issues to general rules questions. I also spent time working with MVP Manager Dave Patton on some contest-related things that I will be helping with until the new contest manager is in place. Information on a PAVE PAWS update story for the web was also provided. An initial conversation was held with ARRL Counsel on finalizing the clarification about D-Star’s status. We are also still working with Ed Hare in the Lab on individual mitigation notices on the PAVE PAWS front, with a follow-up conference call tentatively scheduled with DoD officials for September 13th. Finally, several VC applications were forwarded to Directors for approval. In conjunction with that, the newly designed VC/VCE certificate proofs were approved. Once they are in hand we will begin the annual update for VC/VCE information.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
September is National Preparedness Month and DHS has made many related resources available. They have been copied to http://www.hello-radio.org/2007NPM.doc so that they are easily available to PIOs. Brochures, Talk on a Disk and other materials continue to be requested. CONTACT! for September has been posted.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and prepared The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 35, for Friday, August 31. It was distributed to 65,903 members, an increase of 161 over last week. Khrystyne also voiced and produced the August 31 edition of ARRL Audio News.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
August product sales were $254,458, exceeding plan. The amount is the highest August total by a sizeable margin when compared to recent years. There were additional gains in nearly all of the product categories. The month includes $14k attributed to our sales effort at the ARRL National Convention in Huntsville.
August ended with 152,146 members – the highest total in nearly three years. Returns contributing to this growth include a strong renewal rate; response to the 100,000 piece mailing sent in June (now at a 1.9% return); field based recruitment; and regular success persuading sign-ups and renewals during phone calls.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Awards Branch
Category July 2007 August 2007 Year-to-Date Year End Goal
WAS Certificates (Manual) 24 24 211 282
WAS Certificates (LoTW) 20 18 167 295
A-1 Op Nominations 23 36 346 601
A-1 Op Certificates 9 15 160 288
Extra Class Certificates 3 4 149 194
WAC Certificates 35 29 203 313
VUCC New / Grids 11 / 1,460 15 / 1,466 63 / 8,165 144 / 13,581
VUCC Endorsement / Grids 8 / 211 10/774 66 / 3,573 109 / 6,533
Processing Time 7 Weeks 6 Weeks 2 Weeks
DXCC Branch
Category July 2007 August 2007 Year-to-Date Year End Goal
Credits Processed 69,685 58,508 362,700 622,215
Credits Received 42,698 70,658 361,475 622,342
Applications Returned 650 579 3,584 5,643
Applications Received 401 828 3,483 5,643
Applications Pending 756 1,167 761 599
Processing Time 8 Weeks 9 Weeks 3 Weeks
Norm Fusaro attended the Japan Ham Fair the weekend of August 25, 2007. He checked 278 DXCC applications with a total of 19,583 QSOs. There were 22 LoTW applications with 1,521 QSOs.
Logbook of the World
Category July 2007 August 2007 2006 Year End
QSO Records Entered Into System 135,575,770 138,654,757 116,730,953
QSL Record Matches 9,227,274 9,579,632 7,193,911
Logs Processed 409,873 423,270 305,569
Active Certificates 25,710 26,253 21,889
Registered Users in System 16,960 17,236 14,474
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries July 2007 August 2007
Lost Certificate 121 129
DXCC Status Inquiries 45 51
Data Not Shown 49 34
No TQ6 File Received from LoTW 18 13
Additional Certificate Requests 36 58
Cannot Log on to LoTW User Page 18 12
Cannot Upload Log to LoTW User Page 24 22
No TQ5 File Received by LoTW 28 24
Logbook Server Down 1 0
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries July 2007 August 2007
Incorrect Date Range 27 16
Lost Personal Password 13 12
User Email Problems 21 33
WAS Status Inquiries 18 7
Club Inquiries 17 14
New Callsign Changes 14 11
Cannot Understand Error Messages 13 11
Logbook Startup Inquiries 30 29
Cannot Activate/Load TQ6 Certificate 9 10
Logbook Suggestions 7 5
QSO Downloaded 5 4
Additional Documents Needed 5 14
Need Postcard 8 9
Other Inquiries 69 80
Total Inquiries 606 610
QSL Branch
There is no delay in opening mail and a 1 day delay in slotting of cards thanks to the assistance of Mike Zeug, W1YM and Lisa Zeug, K1UQT. Mike and Lisa have been assisting the MVP Department on a volunteer basis when their time permits. This week, 125 pounds of cards were received from members. We shipped 89,400 cards this past week which brings the shipped total for the year to 643,750.
Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He also moved the “Vintage AM” station into W1AW’s foyer. This way, visitors to W1AW are greeted to the “slightly historical” side of radio before coming into the main area to see more modern equipment.
Joe and Greg also ran two coaxial cables to the foyer. (This entailed them having to drill a large hole up from the basement to run the lines, and install wall boxes.) One line will be for the AM station itself and the other a spare. Both cables will be attached to the Harris patch panel. They also ran an Internet connection to the foyer.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of September.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Following a few days of heavy rain and storms in the mid west and upper mid west during the last weekend of August, ARES members and other Amateur Radio operators responded and provided emergency communications when and where needed. Steve Ewald and Dennis Dura kept in touch with the Section Leaders in those areas, and activation reports were forwarded to News Editor Khrystyne Keane.
Thanks to Kim Rochette of Purchasing and our local engraver, the plaque that honors Greg Davis, N3ZL, as the 2006 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award winner was ordered, prepared and shipped to Vice Director Pat Hensley. Pat planned to make the presentation to Greg at the Shelby Hamfest during the first weekend of September.
An interference complaint is being prepared concerning a continuing problem from a mobile phone provider in Pennsylvania. Chuck Skolaut received updated information on unlicensed fishermen that are using frequencies near one of the 60 meter channels, and the FCC has been asked to assist. A number of questions dealing with repeater operation and control issues were handled, and Chuck is also in the process of converting documentation received earlier to standard audio formats to facilitate the FCC in reviewing it. The Intruder Watch group is investigating an unidentified signal on 17 meters.
Leona Adams received petitions from the following candidates to run for Section Manager for terms of office beginning January, 2008: Frank Filipkowski, AD3M (Delaware); Ron Cowan, KBØDTI (Kansas); David Stevens, KL7EB (Alaska) and Donald Wood, W5FHA (New Mexico). For a term beginning in April, 2008, Eric Olena, WB3FPL, has been nominated. The deadline to receive nominations for the Section Manager election cycle this fall is September 7.
Volunteer Examiner Coordinator
Reported by Maria Somma, AB1FM
A VE Express Newsletter was emailed on August 28 to more than 5,600 subscribers. Highlights included information on the NCVEC conference, the VE Honor Roll debuting in September QST and the Extra class pool update. To view the current VE Newsletter or to view previous editions visit the "ARRL VEC News Briefs, Announcements, Newsletters" web page at http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/announcements.html .
The VEC booth results from Huntsville were as follows: we sold 52 VE patches, handed out approximately 30 Prospective VE packages, collected six 605 applications, signed up 8 new VEs and re-enlisted 8 VEs with expired accreditations.
This July has been the busiest July we have seen in recent years with 513 sessions conducted. July exam fee revenue was $34,813 (July 2006 $16,683 and July 2005 $13,969). We don’t often exceed 20k in the month of July! August exam activity was in line with previous years; 462 sessions were processed and exam revenue was $28,340 (August 2006 $25,134 and August 2005 $25,629). Over 450 sessions are already registered for September.
The year to date exam fee revenue total through August is close to $408,000. We are well over the 2006 year end total of $324,000 and fast approaching the 2007 year end forecast of $430,000.
The below stats show our accomplishments so far this year. I included information from the same period last year for a comparison. In most sections of our program, we have seen a considerable increase in activity.
ARRL VEC ACTIVITY Jan 1 to Aug 31, 2007 Jan 1 to Aug 31, 2006
Test Sessions Held 4,557 3,662
Candidates Served 34,515 18,821
Exam Elements Taken 40,783 22,937
New VEs Accredited 1,476 797
New & Upgrade License apps. forms transmitted to FCC 28,472 13,722
License Renewals & Changes transmitted to FCC 5439 (629 were Vanity license renewals) 3761 (748 were Vanity license renewals)
Club License apps. transmitted to FCC 927 (134 were Club Vanity license renewals) (362 new clubs) 674 (49 were Club Vanity license renewals) (273 new clubs)
VE Newsletter Subscribers 5,675 4,875
Donations collected by VEC 31 n/a
Web/Software Development Department
Reported by Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Hugh Brower delivered the Handbook CD to Production. Hugh is also working on converting our Web servers' mail systems to one that is both more efficient and, we hope, more compatible with AT&T and BellSouth systems. It will probably be several weeks before the new stuff is in place, but one it is we hope to see improvement in the timely delivery of bulk e-mail such as the ARRL Letter, other newsletters and bulletins.
Micah Murray has been working on catching up with a backlog of requested Web site updates and additions. He also launched our new exhibit-kit order form at www.arrl.org/brochures.
I've been working on the Logbook client-side software (TQSL), targeting full beta testing at the end of September. I also spent a few days creating a new "JOTA Stories" page at www.arrl.org/scouts/jota/Stories where JOTA participants can submit text and photos about their JOTA operations. This was done at the request of Vice Director Mileshosky and will be available for JOTA 2007 in October.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
Jon Bloom 9/26-10/5 Vacation
Katie Breen 9/5-7 US Power Squadrons & VA Beach ARC, Norfolk, VA
`` 9/10 Vacation
Hugh Brower 9/7-9/14 Vacation
Steve Capodicasa 9/4-9/10 Vacation
Jackie Cornell 9/7 Vacation
Steve Ford 9/7 Vacation
Scott Gee 9/21 Vacation
Mike Gruber 10/1-10/5 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/21-10/1 Wash. State Conv., Spokane, WA/PC NW VHF Conf., OR
`` 10/11-10/15 Vacation
Mary Hobart 9/7-9/9 MFJ Anniversary/Starkville MS
`` 9/14-9/16 W9DX Convention, Chicago, IL
`` 10/5-10/6 DARA Board meeting, Dayton, OH
Amy Hurtado 9/6 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 9/6-9/7 Vacation
Dave Patton 9/14-9/15 W9DXCC Convention Northern Illinois DX Association
John Proctor 9/27-10/9 Vacation
Dave Sumner 9/8-9/15 IARU Reg. 2 Conference, Brasilia
Mike Tracy 9/7-9/14 Vacation
`` 10/26 Vacation