My rather brief comments on the ED study motions:

Re Minute 27:

As the Vice Director is a literal heartbeat from the Director position, I feel it is important that he always be fully informed on the key activities of his Director. 

Therefor I support the proposed motion.


Re Minute 28:

While I understand that having the individual receiving the most votes serve automatically as the committee chair is a simple process and is supposed to eliminate political favoritism, I do know of several instances where committee members simply have absolutely no desire to hold the chairmanship.  Passing this motion would force individuals into becoming chairmen when they have no desire to do so.


Re Minute 37:

I am not convinced there is sufficient incentive for Techs to consider this as a logical way to move onto the HF bands.  I just do not see what problem this proposal solves that can't be remedied by a license upgrade.  


Re by-law 45:

Obviously there are problems with this by-law; I do support a complete review.


Dale Williams WA8EFK

On 8/22/2014 10:20 AM, Kay Craigie wrote:
Since posting ODV:23143, I have received one message about the study motions
now on the EC's agenda and the matter of BL 45. The EC will take into
account the posts made on the ODV when the motions were first brought up.

After the Minutes were published, I received one message from a member about
the Technician privileges proposal, which I acknowledged and forwarded to
the person's Director, who happens to be on the EC.

That isn't a lot of input for the EC to work with. 

Again, I encourage you to post your comments and analyses of these items so
the EC will have the benefit of your viewpoints. Thanks and 73 - Kay N3KN

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