HQ Staff

 Katrina Update

Sept. 12, 2005


This time I am including an actual email from Alabama:



  1. Message from Greg Saratt, SM (ARRL Section Manager)  in Alabama at the Red Cross Emergency Operations Center in Montgomery:  


Hello guys,


The latest SM/SEC e-mail and ARRL web call for amateurs are working.  We are receiving many inquires from amateurs via e-mail and we are now processing them.


The need is still great and we are finding ever changing requirements from the ARC and other served agencies.  I have stories and pictures from our guys in the field but currently are working on other priorities.


We received a shipment of equipment this morning.  We are inventorying and sending some to the field asap.


I want us, ARRL to conduct a large recognition/praise/thanks for all these amateurs that we are sending to work and serving in the field after this is over.  I would like to be part of the planning/determining process.  I have met and every guy and have a log of all of every one of them, that we have processed but think other areas will have to determine the amateurs that helped.   Maybe we can devise a way for the affected area SM and SEC to compare their list after this is over.


The ARC (American Red Cross) and other served agencies are very thankful and appreciative that we are helping them out.  I have talked to several ARC folks that said that they could not operate without us!


My ARC counterpart here has requested the he, I and ARRL HQ meet after this is over, update the MOU and plan for next time.  This will also help us to improve a more workable joint partnership with ARC.


In working this disaster closely with the ARC I have developed some processes and procedures that I think we should make into a ARRL National Model for medium and large scale disasters.  This will help us deploy faster, coordinate and work better next time.


There are hundreds of details and issues that is making this disaster relief support possible that we are learning and have dealt with during this process. 


Dennis has helped greatly in my communications with ARRL HQ.  I definitely want to talk and review with you guys after this is over.


We have deployed many great professional amateur operators to the field.  Guys have traveled from all over the USA on their own dime to Do The Right Thing and help others.  I’m very proud of them!!  I have several shining stars in the field that have made this work well and kept amateur radio looking great.


We have had several problems that we have worked and are currently working some as well.


Thanks to ARRL for support and help!  We are making a difference together!!


More work to do and more to come.



Greg Sarratt, W4OZK

Alabama ARRL Section Manager



  1. From: Rosalie White:


Notes from the NVOAD telecon for Monday, Sept 12:


  • Hams are supporting the Southern Baptist debris-clearing teams


  • We’re being asked to assist with communications for more evacuee sites, including working with CERT Computer Emergency Response Team teams for the Washington DC armory and WAMAC Red Cross offices.


  • There were the usual reports from many organizations, including:  America’s Harvest has delivered 550 truckloads of food, United Jewish Federation is raising $1 million to feed Houston evacuees, etc.


  • Also:  The NC governor has declared a state of emergency although it’s not clear where Ophelia will hit – Ocracoke Island residents were evacuated in anticipation of wind damage.  The Raleigh EOC is activating, and asked VOAD to staff a desk along with served agencies.



  1. Rick Palm working with Rosalie White sent out another special edition of the ARES Newsletter.  We now have almost 11,000 subscribers..  More than 500 more folks opted-in last week alone.


  1. More equipment is being sent to the Gulf Coast from the ARRL.  These include 1,000 AA batteries, VHF Yagis, MFJ Power Supplies and Yaesu VHF Mobile radios.  All of the ICOM HF Radios have been shipped out.  Thanks to Wayne Mills and Janet Rocco for their help.


  1. Allen Pitts has received over 600 “clippings” about Amateur Radio and Katrina and they continue to arrive. A major story appeared in The New York Times.  From Allen: I got what has to be the very BEST COMPLAINT that I have received in a long, long time.  BurrellsLuce, the clipping service I set up to replace Bacon's, called to complain that there were "TOO MANY PRESS CLIPPINGS for this month" !!!!   






Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer

ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

860 594 0220