I echo Director Norton’s concerns:
Each passing month brings forth seminal accomplishments in a wide variety of areas relevant to
QST readers that I believe would make better use of our flagship periodical’s limited page count. Perhaps we need to encourage our technical department and others at HQ to increase their focus on an outward search for such material, and also review
our policies and compensation for outside authors.
And here’s a gripe that’s mine alone: I absolutely detest the inclusion of “stiff” advertising pages in
QST! What do I do with those pages while trying to read a QST article with the magazine lying flat on the kitchen table when I am holding a messy chicken sandwich or fajita in one hand? I get the scissors and I cut out the offending page as
close to the binding as I possibly can – that’s what I do! So much for extra advertising exposure! I’ve already forgotten who the offending advertiser was in this month’s issue.
Bud, W2RU
From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of Richard Norton via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>
Reply-To: "Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW)" <richardjnorton@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12:01 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:32004] QST Shortcomings
This week I had a phone call from a member/volunteer not pleased that the paper that QST is printed on appears to now be of considerably lower quality than was used in the past.
My March QST looks somewhat like the paper was once soaked in water, and later dried out.
The quality of the paper used in NCJ, QEX, and even OTA, is of much higher quality. CQ Magazine also continues to be produced on quality paper.
Approximately 11 pages of the March 2021 issue are reprints/summaries of articles and advertisements from past QST's. All members have access to these issues, not only those such
as myself who retain our paper copies.
It is the paid staff's responsibility to acquire and/or produce appropriate material for our flagship publication. Only waiting for articles to come in over the transom might not
be working.
Both in terms of physical product and content, today's QST product is not up to the standards which I feel appropriate for us to be providing to our membership. I hope this can
be improved.
Dick, N6AA