I've been quiet in this debate, except for communicating with my Director, Rod Blocksome, K0DAS.  My view is quite simple.  We need to the ARRL to be as efficient and effective as it can be to serve our members.  The structure of the Board, whether there are Vice Directors, in any capacity, or not, isn't an issue of ego or ownership.  My purpose as Vice Director is to support my Director, the members in our Division, and the ARRL overall. 

There were missteps in the way the whole issue was presented.  That's behind us.  While I sympathize with people feeling like they are potentially losing something, I support a diligent, open, and intelligent discussion of the Board's structure from the perspective of best serving the organization. 

I am honored to serve as a Vice Director.  If the position disappears, I will be sorry.  But any of us can run for the Director positions if we are dissatisfied with what the Board is doing.

73, Art K0AIZ

ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director