All: I've received a few requests to attend the A&F meeting. Owning to the current national COVID-19 issues, there will not be a 'traditional' A&F meeting. The majority of the originally prepared agenda has been postponed until July and I will be conducting a 'bare-bones' video-conference that will discuss only those items necessary to keep the organization moving. As this is the first experience for many participants in attending a video conference, I respectfully request that non-committee members stand down. This will allow the focus on the committee and limit the potential for bandwidth contention, noise, or other extraneous issues from placing any committee attendee at a disadvantage. Should any committee member be at a disadvantage for any reason, I would have to declare the meeting to be void. I thank everyone for their understanding. I hope that this experiment will prove successful, allowing any potential future video conference meetings to be attended by any who desire. 73, Jeff, K0RM