The following are the results of the four balloted elections for Director/Vice-Director counted today in Newington:
Dakota Division:
Matt Holden, K0BBC 698 ***
Dean Summers, N0ND 345
Vice Director:
Thomas Karnauskas, N0UW 338
James Maynard, K5ZC 93
Lynn Nelson, W0ND 427 ***
Christian Stallkamp, KI0D 165
Midwest Division:
Roderick Blocksome, K0DAS 1,249 ***
Cecil Miller, WB0RIW 792
Atlantic Division:
Vice Director:
Riley Holliingsworth, K4ZDH 2,559 ***
Lloyd Roach, K3QNT 1,348
The E&E appointed committee of tellers of Tom Frenaye, K1KI; Diane Middleton, KC1BQF; and Dan Henderson, N1ND by virtue of the authority delegated to them by the Ethics and Elections Committee
declared those marked with *** as elected.
Dan Henderson, N1ND
Assistant Secretary – American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Regulatory Information Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio