I am very
much in favor of taking a progressive approach to spectrum management and I want
us to file a bandwidth petition -- though controversial among the
special-pleaders, I think it's the right way to go. However, I don't see how
rules that in principle open up areas of heretofore digital/CW spectrum to SSB
operation represent a progressive outcome. Reliance on voluntary band plans,
developed by a process that has not been defined by us let alone accepted by the
Amateur community, is a leap of faith broader than I am willing to undertake
happily at this time.
Of course
everybody is in favor of spectrum protection. But like raising the specter of
communism during the Cold War and the threat of terrorism and weapons of
mass destruction today, invoking "spectrum protection" to gain favor for a
proposal may cause temporary by-pass of our higher brain functions,
producing support for things that may or may not be such good ideas taken
on their own merits. The threats (communism, terrorism, WMD, spectrum loss) are
real. Whether or not they are close-coupled to the case on the table at a
particular time is another thing.
I speak from
personal experience here, having once been persuaded to vote for a motion that
intellectually I did not approve of because Larry Price very effectively
played the "spectrum protection" card in his speech in support of the motion.
That's the one vote I cast as a Director that I wish I could take back and do
Well, there are no do-overs when you've voted to spend
a large amount of money on something, as I did, and there won't be any do-overs
if we vote to allow voice operations to go where they can't go now and have no
effective way to protect the experimental digital modes we intended to
promote. Curbing voice operations would be likened to taking away
privileges, and we know where that road goes.
73 - Kay