Well said.

Grant, KB7WSD

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Jim Weaver K8JE <K8JE@arrl.org> wrote:
Dennis, et al,

I'd like to add a slightly different perspective to the discussion about
moving the location for the January meeting.  This is my personal view as
developed from personal observation.

My reason for favoring a move has nothing to do with the weather which has
been mentioned by others.  Instead, I believe it useful to make occasional
if not fleeting changes in the "seat of ARRL governance" to venues other
than Newington.  Based upon a few comments of GLD members, I believe
occasional forays into the hinterlands is welcomed by many members.  After
our meeting in Houston, some members volunteered to me it was good to see
that the Board finally recognized there are parts of the country outside of
the Ivory Tower, ivy-covered halls of Newington.  The fact that the locals
in Houston hosted us for cocktails one evening suggests to me that at least
some of them were happy to meet the full governing body of ARRL.

Should a Board meeting ever be held in the GLD, I feel certain we would be
welcomed similarly.

It just might be useful to be able to show people that the members of the
Board family do not morph into beings with horns and tails, and carry pitch
forks when we are making decisions that effect Amateur Radio.

I am not married to New Orleans as the site for our next or for any future
meeting.  Now that the discussion about the coming meeting is on the table,
I would certainly entertain suggestions for alternate venues.  If NO is too
expensive, I feel certain there are other locations that would be less
costly and equally satisfactory.

You and others certainly are correct that the ability to speak with staff
members in person is a valuable side effect of meeting in Connecticut.  I am
willing to forego this beneficial pleasure -- occasionally -- by holding our
meetings at other locations, though.  I'd not want to move away from HQ more
often than one out of every four meetings.

As a final point, availability of the Internet and the ease of other forms
of immediate communications that are available today make it practical to
minimize the bulk of material that would need to be shipped from HQ to an
away location.

In summary, I support holding occasional Board meetings away from Newington
and believe the benefits I perceive from doing this as being a worthy
trade-off for a modest increase in expense.

This is my take on the current topic, FWIW.



Jim Weaver, K8JE
Director, Great Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
Tel. 513-459-1661; e-mail K8JE@arrl.org
ARRL:  The reason Amateur Radio Is
Members:  The reason ARRL is

-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org
[mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Dennis Bodson
Sent: 25 August, 2011 1:58 PM
To: dick@pobox.com
Cc: arrl-odv@arrl.org
Subject: [arrl-odv:20180] Re: [arrl-od:2752] Board Meeting Expense Away


I generally do not respond to emails of this nature. However, I felt
compelled to do so.

Increased Costs

I disagree with your assessment for the following reasons:

a. You left out the CTO
b. Travel costs, in my opinion, will be higher not lower as most will be
going to New Orleans c. Even though CT is a high cost area, the data
provided by Dave shows that New Orleans will be significantly higher

BOD Member Access to Staff Personnel to Conduct Personal Business

a. I can only speak for myself, but I use this time to solve potential
problems or existing problems brought to my attention by members in my
Division. I do not consider this as Personal Business b. You speak about
employee productivity. I am at a loss because I believe that whether or not
they were doing something else, they are responding member concerns brought
to their attention through me.

Ability to Meet others on an Organized Basis

>From personal experience, this has not amounted to much. Only a few
up even though it was sponsored by a couple of clubs. I can meet far more at
a hamfest.

Change of Scenery and Avoiding Winter Travels

When I ran for office, I accepted the fact that I would not receive any pay,
not many positive comments, the possibility of a lot of negative comments,
and the fact that I would have to travel during all seasons of the year
including snow, ice, rain and sunshine. So much for the change in scenery!


How would you respond to a member's inquiry on why the annual meeting was
going to be held in a different location(change of scenery), at a cost of
several tens of thousands of dollars more than in CT? How would you justify
to them that we were being fiduciary responsible for the Leagues assets? And
how we would justify these costs?

Respectively submitted,

Dennis W4PWF
ARRL Director
Roanoke Division

arrl-odv mailing list

Grant Hopper, KB7WSD
Vice Director, Northwestern Division