Dick, Dick, Please clarify (at least, for me) what disturbs you about the practices staff has put into place regarding member recruitment at hamfest and such. I appear to have missed something along the line and do not understand all you are saying. Tnx, 73, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: k8je@arrl.org, Tel.: 513-459-1661 ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio -----Original Message----- From: Richard J. Norton [mailto:richardjnorton@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:45 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:18034] Re: Membership Recruitment Program This is, in no uncertain terms, unacceptable. 1) At the July A&F Committee meeting, I thought we covered the concept that the staff doesn't make policy directing the board, but the board makes policy directing the staff. Quite clearly, this point was not comprehended by the management present at the meeting, and certainly not passed along to the staff. 2) Having staff members, with little or no understanding of Amateur Radio or our organization, make policies that do nothing but make their jobs easier at the expense of our time and our relations with our members is not in the interest of the ARRL. For example, sending 19,000+ ARRL membership solicitations to an IEEE membership list clearly shows a lack of understanding of Amateur Radio and also a lack of adequate supervision by management for permitting it to happen. Not even counting the costs of staff effort, the cost per member was over $200 each. There is no way people with this poor an understanding of our avocation have the slightest business formulating League policies. The IEEE solicitation shows a lack of even understanding the resources present in the ARRL building. No one familiar with the IEEE would have thought this campaign would be successful, and there is at least one person working at 225 Main Street with a strong IEEE background. --------------------- At conventions and hamfests I have followed the Southwestern Division tradition of membership solicitation by free book promotion. My attitude is that I am there to serve the members, not to make life easy for the staff. For example, if a life member asks to buy a repeater directory, and nobody else has them at the event, I feel the need to satisfy the member. If the staff we have is incapable of backing out state sales tax, we need to fire them and get someone capable of dealing with it. It is not in the interest of the ARRL to be setting guidelines such as ," 5. Do not sell premiums, publications, or trinkets on behalf of ARRL. The promotional materials and incentives may not be used for resale." I am tired of fighting ARRL staff and management. It's time the directors send a clear message concerning who runs the ARRL. I'll deal with specific suggestions in an upcoming message to directors only. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B<wj1b@arrl.org> wrote:
I am sending you this message from Membership Manager Diane Petrilli regarding improvements in our membership recruitment activities at hamfests, conventions and related events. Bob Inderbitzen discussed some of these changes at his presentation at the July Board Meeting. We implemented these changes based on information gathered directly from our Membership Field Recruitment Program; ongoing discussions with hamfest organizers, SMs and Board Members; and research that we have conducted. These changes also will bring us into compliance with the new Privacy Policy.
We have created a new section on the ODV page on our Web site called Recruiting ARRL Members. Here is where you can find all of these materials and other information about membership recruitment : http://www.arrl.org/members-only/ODV/ .
We have sent a similar message to the SMs. We will also be sending this information to the Hamfest organizers.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
ARRL Membership Recruitment Program
To: ARRL Directors, Vice Directors and Section Managers
Thank You Thank you for supporting ARRL membership recruitment at hamfests, conventions and radio clubs. Your efforts are critical to the vitality of ARRL and Amateur Radio. Below, please find information that may be useful
you continue to help with the important task of membership recruitment.
Exhibit and Display Materials
In an effort to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ARRL materials supplied to the field, we have adopted an à la carte system for ordering handouts and display items for events, including hamfests and conventions. For instance, exhibit materials to support an ARRL booth at a hamfest can be ordered by the hamfest coordinator, ARRL Director, Section Manger, or any designee thereof. This new system will (1) enable you to customize the material and quantity of material you order for your event (2) reduce confusion by sending materials directly to the person responsible for the exhibit, (3) eliminate unwanted materials, and (4) ensure that only current materials are being displayed.
Ordering exhibit and display materials is easy. A selection of items are available at low- or no-cost, including hanging and standing banners, tabletop displays, table throws, inexpensive giveaways -- pens, stickers, magnets and WAS/frequency charts, as well as several handouts and brochures for a variety of Amateur Radio interest areas and uses. To place an order:
tel 1-888-277-5289
Please note: ARRL-affiliated conventions and hamfests receive door prizes (gift certificates). The prizes are sent to the convention organizer on record. The convention organizer will still also be sent ARRL frequency charts.
Membership Applications and Free Gift Signs
Please use the specially-coded (SEC) membership application on the ARRL web site http://www.arrl.org/members-only/ODV/
This application includes several free book premiums for new or renewing members. You may also order a laminated tabletop sign to help draw attention to the Free Gift offer. Requests for printed applications and signs can be sent to dpetrilli@arrl.org. The sign can also be downloaded.
Please follow these guidelines when recruiting members and representing ARRL:
1. Review the ARRL Privacy Policy. For privacy and security, please keep an envelope with payments and applications close at hand at all times during the event. If you leave the booth for any reason, please keep the applications and payments on your person.
2. Return completed applications and payments within 24 hours. If the event is attended by ARRL staff, please give the completed applications and payments to the staff to return to ARRL headquarters. If the event is not attended by ARRL staff, return the applications and payments via First Class mail within 24 hours to Membership Manager, ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111. Please ensure that all applications are returned to ARRL. ARRL retains the original applications on file.
3. Complete an ARRL Membership Recruitment Reconciliation Form. Include one completed form per event, and include it with the package of applications and payment. This form will serve as a double check that we received all applications, and will provide us with an accurate way to track membership applications received by event.
4. Free Book Premiums. If ARRL supplies you with free book premiums to offer to members as a signing incentive, please give the premiums only to those members who join or renew their membership with you not as giveaways to those who visit the booth.
5. Do not sell premiums, publications, or trinkets on behalf of ARRL. The promotional materials and incentives may not be used for resale.
6. If you are organizing a hamfest or convention, please see the OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING ARRL HAMFESTS AND CONVENTIONS at www.arrl.org/FandES/field/hamfests/hamfest.pdf. Applications and inquiries regarding ARRL-sanctioned events should be directed to Gail Iannone, Convention Program Manager, hamfests@arrl.org.
Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF--Membership Manager
email dpetrilli@arrl.org tel 860-594-0297
Membership Recruitment Program.docx