4 May
4 May
12:47 a.m.
Has anyone noticed, this is the SAME Cardinal Mahoney that is making National News. Hopefully no one will notice the Amateur Radio connection. 73...George ======================================= Cardinal Roger Mahoney, W6QYI (G) 555 W Temple St Los Angeles, CA 90012-2707 DOB: 1936-02-27 Div: Southwestern Sect: Los Angeles (LAX) Membership: Status=A Type=Full Regular (F0) Expires=2002-06-30 (Active member) ========================================= --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.346 / Virus Database: 194 - Release Date: 4/10/2002