Just curious: What direct evidence do we have that this club and therefore the advertisement, is not what they say they are? I'm not certain that a complaint not backed by actual evidence - should be a topic of discussion. If they are not a registered and compliant charity with the State of New York, then there would be a problem; but I think that is where the matter should begin, not just complaints or accusations. Director Rehman may be correct, but let's find out for certain before other potentially damaging citations take place. 73, Jim K7CEX From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Doug Rehman Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 9:04 AM To: ''arrl-odv'' <arrl-odv@arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:25868] Radio Club of JHS 22 A member has complained to me about The Radio Club of JHS 22 NYC Inc which has been a QST advertiser for a very long time. Their half-page ad is on page 124 of the November issue. The allegations are that there isn't actually a radio club at JHS 22; the founder, WB2JKJ, is said to have been a teacher at that school decades ago. The allegations continue that when asked, WB2JKJ will not divulge where the money is actually going. Here is a multi-year eHam.net thread: http://www.eham.net/ehamforum/smf/index.php?topic=75401.0 A couple questions: 1. What vetting has been done, and how recently, to determine if this is currently a legit charity or basically a self-serving scam? (I.E. what percentage of donations go to "administrative expenses" versus to actually helping students?) 2. Do we know if there is actually a radio club at JHS 22 in NYC? If not, the ads are deceptive as everyone I've asked believes there is an actual active radio club at that school that is being supported by the proceeds. 3. Are the ads being discounted? Doug K4AC