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Vol. 33, No. 31

August 4, 2010  --  Covers the period July 25-31.

Regulatory Information

Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND

After several conversations with NC Section Manager Bill Morine, N2COP, and ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, a set of talking points was drafted to be used at the public hearing on the proposed Cleveland County NC tower ordinance the week of August 2.  It appears the county commission may table the proposal and appoint a committee to draft an ordinance to meet the basic county desire while accommodating the PRB-1 and NC state statutory obligations.

At the request of General Counsel, we reviewed the comments and replies on FCC Docket 10-98 – the 60-meter revision.  A key area to consider is comments from both supporters and opponents of allowing Pactor III as one of the approved digital modes on the channels.  Several comments were also offered suggesting that digital modes be restricted to only one of the five channels.

A lengthy telephone conversation was conducted with Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, discussing a tower case in Virginia which he is working on.  It was valuable to the RIB office in that Fred explained some of the subtle nuances on the “flagpole” proposal he was working on with a client and its possible use down the road to help amateurs living in CC&R-restricted communities.

At the request of IN Section Manager John Poindexter, W3ML, we looked into a situation where a club in Indiana was apparently considering a contract with their county government that would provide real-time reports on their bi-weekly tornado warning siren system back to the county emergency management office via amateur radio.  In return, the county would provide the electricity for the club repeater.  This situation is a violation of 97.113 by providing amateur radio communications in exchange for indirect compensation (the county paying the club’s electric bill).  The latest report received is that the contract was never formally implemented.  We advised that while the amateurs could participate by making reports, there could not be a quid pro quo arrangement.

Working with the Contest Branch, we assisted in revising the template signatures for certificates for several ARRL events, as well as for the IARU HF Championship event.  In addition, Field Day submissions continue to be processed.  As of the July 27 deadline, 2,126 entries had been received via the www.b4h.net web applet.  An additional 200 regular paper entries have been entered into the database.  Staff has also printed out all non-applet email submissions, and data entry on those will begin the week of August 2.  They are also notifying, via email, entries that have problems.

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

The QST article is done, the postcards are here, the stickers are ordered, announcements have been in the emails and CONTACT!,  press release materials are ready – looking forward to the 75th anniversary of ARES in September.

Joe Montani’s story and pictures of asteroid 31531-ARRL have been added to the technology promotion website at www.WeDoThat-Radio.org .  Meanwhile, the August issue of CONTACT! is making use of the audio and photo options the new Web site allows plus  Don Carlson, KQ6FM, and Walt Palmer, W4ALT, have provided clips for the “Now Hear This” audio files posted  for PIOs.

There has been a flurry of concerned reports regarding Chris Paget (believed to be KJ6GCG), and the “hacking” of GSM cell phones - the protocol used by AT&T and T-Mobile.  Thus far it has not been an Amateur Radio story, but it is being followed closely just in case something turns.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

The W1AW campaign revenues have topped $74,000 from 1131 donors.

Modest July net revenues from the Diamond Club totaled $13,670, bringing the year-to-date net revenues to $152,252 which is 58% of the 2010 goal.

The Education & Technology mail campaign is in production.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for July 29, 2010.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI

D Star Repeater and W1HQ

Bob worked with Bill Unghire, N1CNV, to install the gateway software in our D-Star repeater system.  Bob also researched unused frequency pairs in the 70 and 23 cm bands for our unused D-Star repeaters on those bands.  Pairs were found and a formal request of frequency coordination will be requested this week.  2 meter coordination should take place within the next few weeks.

Mike Gruber assembled the 70 cm D-Star repeater antenna.  Joe Carcia built custom mount for both the 70 and 23 cm repeater antennas. XX-Towers will be installing them atop HQ on the 4th. Good work by all!

QST Support

Bob Allison completed testing of two home brew projects that were submitted for QST articles.  Data Tables were created and passed along to our technical editor.


MG spent much of his time on the new EMC chapter of the 2011 ARRL Handbook—it is now complete.


MG discussed open PG&E cases with Jerry Ramie.  Jerry is a consultant that will be assisting in several cases.

A longstanding power line noise case in Lakeland, Florida continues.  J.C. Flynn, the complainant in this matter, has received a letter from the FCC’s CGB stating that his problem “does not come under the jurisdiction of the FCC.”  This letter is signed by a deputy division chief, who referred Mr. Flynn to the Florida PUC.  Ed Hare and MG continue to look in to this matter.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

DXCC Branch     Credits Applications   
2009 Carryover  173,903 1,297  

2010 Received   441,577 3,676  

Cumulative Total        615,480 4,973  

2010 Processed  557,658 4,619  

Remaining       57,822  354    

Processing Time                  4 Weeks       

  Logbook of the World


July 2010       % Change

Jan – July 2010
QSO Records Entered In System  
291,826,478     11%    
QSL Record Matches     
31,472,429      17%    
Logs Processed 
1,574,766       22%    
Active Certificates    
52,806  11%    
Registered Users in System     
34,968  11%    

Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries  July 2010      
Maintenance     672    

Initial Setup Inquiries 631    

Award Related Concerns  173    

Customer Usage Issues   384    

Phone Calls     247    



Joe updated the weekly code practice source list on the web and updated a few other W1AW web pages with current data.  He also updated the web code practice files.  Joe created the texts for the August W1AW Qualifying Runs.  He compiled pictures and station texts for W1AW/5, W1AW/WY7 and W1AW/8 QSL cards in preparation for printing.  Joe assembled a side-arm mount for use at HQ station W1HQ’s D-Star station.  He also readied another M-Square rotator in preparation for it to be placed on the 120’ Rohn tower.  (The current rotator atop this tower failed two weeks ago.)

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Dale Bagley, K0KY, Section Manager of Missouri, and George Strayline, W2GSS, Section Manager of Southern New Jersey, have been nominated to run for new terms of office in their respective sections.  Nominations for this particular SM election cycle are due at Headquarters by September 10, and new terms of office begin in January.

ARRL HQ received a report from a Section Manager in the Atlantic Division describing long-standing problems occurring on two local 2 meter repeaters.  Reports had previously been sent to the FCC, and we forwarded additional information requesting assistance in resolving the issue.  A prompt response was received saying it would be followed up on.  The cooperation is much appreciated.  Official Observers in Eastern Pennsylvania are checking on interference to a local repeater.  An unknown “buzzing type” signal on the high end of 75 meters heard in several southeastern states for 2 days prompted calls from 3 different sources to Headquarters.  The signal ceased before a source was determined.  Several intruder reports were received including what appeared to be a Coast Guard station that was heard briefly on 14.005 MHz and a shortwave broadcaster on 7.125 MHz (believed to be Radio Conakry in Guinea).

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               9/6             Holiday

Leona Adams             8/6             Vacation

Jon Bloom               8/25-9/3        Vacation

Hugh Brower             8/10            Vacation

     ``                 8/16            Vacation

Steve Capodicasa        9/13-9/17       Vacation

Joe Carcia              8/6-8/13        Vacation

      ``                        8/20            Vacation

       ``                       8/27            Vacation

Michael Corey           7/30-8/6        APCO Conference, Houston, TX

       ``                       8/20-8/22       Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL

Steve Ford              8/2-8/6         Vacation

Norm Fusaro             7/30-8/6        Vacation

Scott Gee               8/30-8/31       Vacation

Mike Gruber             8/23-8/27       Vacation

     ``                 9/27-10/1       Vacation

Dan Henderson           8/23-8/27       Vacation

       ``                       9/24-10/3       Ten-Tec Hamfest,(TN)/W4DXCC/SEDCO/Vacation

     ``                 10/14-10/19     Pacificon

Mary Hobart             8/11-8/13       Vacation

Gail Iannone            8/20-9/7        Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         8/4-8/5         Training

      ``                        8/6-8/9         Vacation

       ``                       8/23-8/27       Vacation

Sabrina Jackson         9/1             Vacation

Joel Kleinman           8/5             Vacation

      ``                        8/23            Vacation

Harold Kramer           8/2-8/6         Vacation

Sean Kutzko             8/16-8/25       Tokyo Ham Fair

Greg Kwasowski  7/21-8/5        Vacation

Bill Moore              9/10-9/12       Virginia Section Convention

Dave Patton             8/6-8/7         Texas State Convention, Austin, TX

Diane Petrilli          8/4-8/5         Training

       ``                       8/23-8/27       Vacation

John Proctor            8/16-8/18       Training

Steve Sant Andrea       8/30            Vacation

Andy Shefrin            8/5-8/16        Vacation

Barry Shelley           8/9-8/20        Vacation

      ``                        8/26-8/27       Vacation

Dave Sumner             8/20 PM Vacation

Perry Williams          7/22-8/11       Vacation