Tally Ho! 

I’m in! 


David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director, Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 6, 2021, at 11:24 AM, Mickey Baker <fishflorida@gmail.com> wrote:

Who’s coming?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mark Brown <mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Convention status for Huntsville Hamfest
To: Mickey Baker <fishflorida@gmail.com>

Hi Mickey, you've probably heard the news that Huntsville Hamfest will be hosting the SE Division convention.  Privately: Some encouraging news from a meeting at Von Braun Center last Wednesday.  In short, the draconian rules that were in place last year have moderated to the point where it’s feasible to host our event.

Mask mandate for everyone.
Aisles 12’ minimum (we had 8 & 10’ so we’ll have to adjust)
Aisle traffic can be bi-directional.  
Entry & exit doors can be dual-use.
The venue is still at 50% capacity but they gave us South Hall 2 for free so it brings our visitor limit up to where we can make it work.  
No extra insurance requirements except for the standard million dollar liability coverage.

My feeling at the moment is that the positives: 
    Hamcom (Plano TX) event closed permanently last year
    pent-up demand - the last nationwide event was Orlando in Feb 2020
    vaccine roll-out by August should be well underway
weighed against the negatives:
    some vendors are prohibited to travel until 2022
    some people will stay home out of fear / caution

.... we should have a successful and safe event.

When I looked at our website the other day with fresh eyes, I was dismayed to see we still have Greg W4OZK's photo on the home page.  With your help I'd like to fix that.  Can you send me a photo of you - preferably beside other league people at some ham function?  

Thanks & 73,

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X <wv1x@arrl.org>
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021, 11:19:27 AM CST
Subject: Convention status for Huntsville Hamfest

Hello, Mark.


Thank you for writing.    I am pleased to report that Director Mickey Baker, N4MB, has approved ARRL Southeastern Division Convention status for the Huntsville Hamfest on August 21 – 22, 2021.


Please note that Eric Casey, KC2ERC, is no longer on the ARRL Headquarters staff.  I have just now been assigned to help handle the coordination responsibilities related to ARRL hamfests and conventions, and I am beginning to learn about the various procedures involved with the this program.


Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, is helping me to learn more about the details of this program, and Bob asked me to pass along his “hello” to you. 


Now that your convention status has been approved, one of the next steps that we would like to take is to post the Huntsville Hamfest as the Southeastern Division Convention on the ARRL Hamfest & Convention Calendar.  http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/search


While looking over your application, I noticed that the URL for the Huntsville Hamfest is not listed yet.  Would you prefer that I wait until I receive the URL from you before posting the event on the ARRL Web page?    I look forward to working with you.


Best wishes to you and everyone with the Huntsville Hamfest as planning continues for the convention this coming August.




Steve Ewald, WV1X

Supervisor, Field Organization Team


ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®





From: Mark Brown <mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 3:29 PM
To: Casey, Eric KC2ERC <ecasey@arrl.org>
Subject: Fw: Southeastern Division Hamfest Application


Hi Eric.  Just to fill you in... we met with the Von Braun Center this week and grew more confident that we'll be able to host this.  Any timeline on a decision of whether we'll be a Division or State level event?


Thanks & 73,

 Mark N4BCD

 Huntsville Hamfest Chairman


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "ecasey@arrl.org" <ecasey@arrl.org>

To: "mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com" <mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com>

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 04:36:03 PM CST

Subject: Southeastern Division Hamfest Application


=== Your ARRL Hamfest/Convention Application ===


            ARRL Division: Southeastern

              Event Type: Division Convention

              Event Name: Huntsville Hamfest

              Event Date: August 21,  22, 2021

              Event Time: Saturday 9 AM — 4:30 PM,  Sunday 9 AM — 3 PM

              Event City: Huntsville

              Event State: AL

        Event Sponsor(s): Huntsville Hamfest Inc

          Event Facility: Von Braun Center

  Event Facility Address: 700 Monroe St SW

Special Features of Event: D, F, H, Q, R, S, V, OTHER

Other Features (optional): Youth Lounge

        Exams being given: Exams NOT Sponsored by ARRL

            Talk-In Freq: 146.94  100 Hz

    Advance admission fee: $10, Children aged 12 and under Free

    At-door admission fee: $10, Children aged 12 and under Free

                Table fee: $40.  Does not include admission.

            Event Web URL: http://

      Public contact name: Mark Brown

Public contact call sign: N4BCD

  Public contact address: 146 Smith Mill Rd  Fayetteville, TN 37334-6839

    Public contact phone: 2565038887

      Public contact fax:

    Public contact email: mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com

            Chairman name: Mark Brown

      Chairman call sign: N4BCD

        Chairman address: 146 Smith Mill Rd  Fayetteville, TN 37334-6839

    Chairman phone (day): 2565038887

    Chairman phone (eve): 2565038887

          Chairman email: mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com

          Funds available: n/a

        Funding source(s): prior year break-evens

  Anticipated attendance: 5000

      Profit disposition: door prizes and non-profit clubs for providing volunteers

      Form submitter name: Mark Brown

Form submitter call sign: N4BCD

    Form submitter email: mark.n4bcd@yahoo.com

      Date/Time submitted: 27-Jan-2021 2236Z


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