Brian, you're quite right. The short & sweet on why we ask letters to be sent via Chwat appears at http://www.arrl.org/sample-letters. The DLACs are asked to refer members to that URL, among others. The rationale was in the initial issue of Legislative Update and will be repeated early and often in FAQ as time goes on, regarding both this and other legislation as time goes by. For new Board members, there are two reasons we ask members to route letters via Chwat. One is that having a stack of letters hand-delivered to an office on the Hill gets attention and may give Chwat's personnel an opportunity to jawbone the legislator's staffers on the subject du jour. The other reason is that all postal mail to the Hill is subject to security screening that may delay its delivery by 6 to 8 weeks. We can't wait that long to get our position across. We emphasize the latter reason to members. Especially on an issue like H.R. 607, time is of the essence. 73 - Kay N3KN