
I agree with Bud’s and Mikey’s last changes. Also, I believe we amended Minute 34 to also include the awarding of a plaque for ARCUA. 

Otherwise and with the amended Minute 34, I approve. 

The Ice Storm cometh...


David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director, Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 9, 2021, at 3:28 PM, Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <> wrote:

Dear Members of the ODV:


It was requested that the meeting minutes include the names of the appointed committee members who are not ARRL Officers, Directors or Vice Directors. If no one objects to this administrative change, the minutes will appear as presented here.



Carla Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX

<Final Draft 2021 Annual BOARD of DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES.docx>
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