Good afternoon. Plans for the ARRL National convention in Arlington continue to evolve. So much so, that Coy and I thought it best to bring you up to date. Several directors have not yet confirmed their attendance and perhaps this information will encourage you do so. Additionally, we have stalled the hotel confirmations, so if you want to attend this years National, this is your last opportunity to confirm your intentions. As the old saying goes, everything is big in Texas and this years ARRL National is no different. Through the efforts of Vice Director Woolweaver and many others, we have an 90% chance of securing Deputy Secretary Michael Brown, from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the ARRL/HamCom Keynote speaker. Secretary Brown, the number two guy at Homeland in charge of the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Obviously, we are very excited about his potential attendance. While it was anticipated that his office would confirm out his schedule today, the heightened security alert issued yesterday has caused them to ask for a delay in confirmation. However, there are several things that are in our favor to his eventual participation. As you might recall from my March DC report to the Board, I noted that I met with Liz Digregorio, the primary representative of the Citizens Corp. group that organizes the volunteer efforts under the umbrella of the DHS. Those discussions resulted in the production of one of the first (if not the first) MOU between the DHS and a volunteer response group. This MOU has now been drawn and is filtering its way through its "final draft" now. As you know, the drafting of an MOU can take forever, but given the importance that both the ARRL and the DHS put on it -- we have accelerated the pace. We hope to have this MOU finished out as Deputy Brown is the signer for the DHS. The National convention is the most logical place for this historic event to take place. I'll keep you posted on this effort and the MOU status. The Citizens Corps group has also asked that they be given the opportunity to meet with all available Board of Directors that are attending National. This is in addition to the time that they have requested for a public forum. In the final schedule that will be provided to you prior to your arrival, we will set a time on Saturday afternoon for the available Board members to gather informally to meet with Ms. Digregorio and her team. This is your opportunity to ask any questions of DHS that aren't addressed in their formal presentation to forum. Ms. Digregorio, an avid support of amateur efforts in emergency response, is also a personal friend of Deputy Brown's so she is trying hard to make all of this happen. We have not yet confirmed these details out to the HamCom Steering Committee but are waiting until we have all of the details worked out. So please hold this information in confidence for the time being. In the event of any major emergency, everything is subject to change given the very nature of what department we are coordinating with. With that in mind, the unpublished expectations for these items are as follows: Citizens Corps Forum - approximately 30 minutes - public forum Dep. Sec. Michael Brown - approximately 20 minutes - public forum MOU signing - approximately 10 minutes - pending approval - public forum Informal gathering with Board - 30 minutes - PRIVATE As you know, our members have been biting at the bit to find out what the ARRL has been doing in the Homeland Security effort. Perhaps now, we will be better able to answer the question -- and it appears that the horses mouth is going to help us! How much better can life get? When more details are confirmed we will let you know. But again, if you hadn't planned to attend -- and wish to do so, please contact Gail Iannone immediately as the hotel reservations have to be confirmed this week. Jim