I received the following e-mail and my first thought was a Haynieism, "We
don't have a dog in this fight". However, I thought I would bounce it
off the group for your thoughts.
Hello Mr. Day and Dr. Woolweaver,
I read with interest this
article on a proposal from the 'Maritime Radio Historical Society'
to turn
500 KHz into a 'Memorial Frequency'.
I sympathize with the aims of the Society (my Pop was a Naval CW op in WW2), I
their purposes could be served at least as well by having a shared
allocation between these
historic marine radio projects and the amateur
radio service.
I would like to suggest that the ARRL advocate a
CW-only, shared allocation in the vicinity
of 500 KHz, with the amateur
service as second ary users. Cross-service QSOs between the
maritime stations and amateur operators should be allowed in a similar way to
cross-service contacts that are allowed during the Military-to-Amateur
Cross Band
Communications Test that are held each May. 500 KHz should be a
"contest-free" zone similar
to the WARC bands.
The population of
amateur radio CW enthusiasts would be a natural group from which
could be drawn to keep the museum shore stations going long into
the future. What amateur
CW operator wouldn't love the opportunity to tap
out some dits and dahs at KPH or WCC,
or just have a QSO with these
If 500 KHz is set aside as a "Memorial Frequency", it will
fall silent most of the year
except for the MRHS annual "Night of Nights"