Ladies and Gentlemen There is a draft motion in existence that was planned to be presented at the Board meeting, and that with respect, will be presented at the Board meeting that will put to rest the lack of clarity over the Vice Director issue. Mike's well done draft is very similar to the current draft. And yes, the Honorable Raisbeck and we are working together on the end goal. If we are to lay to rest the previous divisiveness and to forge a foundation for a unified path forward we must address this issue. Thanks for all the good comments. Merry Christmas to all! 73 _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Vice Director Legislative Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________* **** On 12/7/18 12:02 PM, Arthur I. Zygielbaum wrote:
I'm in absolute agreement with Rod. I've talked about having the Vice Directors take on the role of an advisory committee, for example, to help deal with Board issues. In our current role, we act as advisors and seconds to our Director. Rod is a delightful person to support. But the Vice Director position would be a more fun and provide a better way to contribute if we had a better-defined purpose.
Through an inability to say no, I'm on many boards. I chair boards. And I know what is expected of my and the effort required to meet my obligations.
I think as a class, we don't have that sense as an ARRL Vice Directors.
On 12/7/2018 11:26 AM, Rod Blocksome wrote:
Mike & ODV, In principle I'm in favor of getting the role and status of Vice-Directors better defined while being absolutely square with CT laws and rules. I've always maintained that the division members elected a vice-director that would be able, willing, and informed to represent them on the board in the event of either temporary or permanent absence from duty of the elected director. It follows that the vice-director should therefor be privy to all the same information and discussion as the director in order to be adequately prepared for such an event. A case in point - last year I spent 2 months on a ship in the middle of nowhere and Art temporarily assumed Midwest division director duties for that period. In the future, this will likely occur again during my current term.
But I'm a bit cautious that the proposed motion might have unintended consequences e.g. conflict with the articles or bylaws. Might it not be better to move to have the executive committee (or an appointed small committee) be charged with the task of implementing better defined role of vice-directors based on these principles by FIRST determining if the articles and/or bylaws changes would be required? Perhaps this has already been done?
My $0.02 on the subject - over, Rod, K0DAS
On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 5:56 AM Mike Raisbeck <vze18vwgu@verizon.net <mailto:vze18vwgu@verizon.net>> wrote:
Hello All,
As you old-timers know full well, and you newcomers will shortly learn, there has over the last several years been considerable tension over the matter of Vice Director status and access to information. This has boiled over several times. I generally find myself in the middle of these kerfulffles, which take up time that in the long run would be better spent promoting Amateur Radio.
In an effort to clarify and solidify the status, I propose the motion below.
If one of you (I am speaking now to Directors and Board Officers) would like to present this motion, please let me know. I will put it in a nice, tidy Word document and insert your name in the title. No charge.
If there are suggestions for clarification or enhancement, please send me a note. We can work together to get this refined.
Thanks and see you in January
WHEREAS the position of Vice Director has,among its purposes, to provide membership representatives read and able, at a moments notice, to take assume the control and management of the League, it shall henceforth be the policy and practice of this Board that:
1. The Vice Directors shall be considered as and treated as a class of DIrectors; /and/
2. All League communication and information available and accessible to Directors shall be equally available and accessible to VIce DIrectors. This includes, but is not limited to, email lists (such as OD/ODV), written material, and general corporate information, including information available by right to Directors under state or federal law; /and/
3. Vice Directors shall be bound by all the same rules of duty, obligation, and right as Directors, including, but not limited to, legal requirements, rights, and limitations; /and/
3. The President shall appoint a committee with the charter to investigate whether or not amendments to the Articles and/or Bylaws are necessary or advisable to enforce or solidify this policy. The committee shall report at the summer Board meeting, and shall, if it determines such to be advisable, present at least 60 days before that Board meeting any proposed amendments to the Articles and Bylaws to effect this policy.
Mike Raisbeck k1twf@arrl.net <mailto:k1twf@arrl.net> _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org <mailto:arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv
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