Greetings, and hope y'all had a pleasant trip home.
The weather was perfect both for the drive up and the drive back. With
such beautiful country (and the hassle of flying getting worse rather
than better), Amy and I had decided to drive again this year, and we
enjoyed the trip both ways. The only glitch was our inability to get
across a road in Newark to spend the night there, and instead spending
Wednesday night in a motel in NY that was, shall we say, less than
desirable. The first hint was the anti-prostitution rules adjacent to
the hourly rates. You can guess the rest <g>. I slept fine!
Anyway, great meeting, and good to see y'all again. My two highlights
were seeing the Vice President give General Counsel a wet-willie Friday
night, then hearing our CEO actually use the word "Y'all" in Saturday's
meeting! Next thing I know, Dave will be ordering grits!
Seriously, I think you folks did great work, and I'm proud to be
associated with you, regardless what CQ thinks. We look forward to
seeing many of you in Huntsville, and to the Director's mini-forum in
Joplin, MO the following weekend, where I'll be sitting in for Henry.
There are plenty of other opportunities in the remainder of the year,
so we all will have a chance to take the pulse of the Membership
between now and next meeting.
Again, great to see everyone. God Bless, and onward and upward!!
Karl, WA5TMC
"Of, By, and For..." - Not just words!
Karl Bullock, WA5TMC
ARRL Vice Director - Delta Division
321 CR 458
Ripley, MS 38663
662 512-8053