And I might say this is an excellent way to follow up on Ricks email about the BOD donating. 
Help TI and show financial support to our own organization. 

All the season salutations to you all. 

Mark, HDX

On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 8:07 PM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <> wrote:
As you're aware we applied for 2 grants from ARDC to support expanding Teachers Institute and both were rejected.  

Unfazed by this, Steve has been making YouTube appearances to advocate for TI and actually raised both awareness and some money!  He has expanded his efforts to a major event Friday night with 2 YouTubers.  Their goal is to raise $20,000.

We'll be putting a spotlight on this in the Letter and on social media.  The preview is now live on our YouTube channel:

You may want to tune in and see how it is progressing.

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