Joel is correct,
In the discussion on Thursday evening I suggested that the committee name
change shouldn’t suggest any decreased attention to Member Services. If
the Board is of a mind that P&MS or another version without the ampersand
will bother some members, let’s change the name.
Perhaps we ought
remind ourselves that the Field and Educational Services Department
abbreviation when spoken is phonetically “Effen
E Ess.” Say that fast 3 times. Is this really worth all the email traffic?
If so, let’s just change the name and move on.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison [mailto:
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10018] Re: Committee Renaming
The original name was "Programs & Services". When
President Haynie assigned
Director Bellows on behalf of A&F, and me on behalf of the
Committee to work out a compromise Thursday evening, Jay wanted to add
"Member" to the name.
So, that was added to the motion that was presented to
the board.
I have no personal feeling either way. The committee will still do what
board has assigned regardless of
what we call it..... P&S Committee or P&MS
Programs & Services works fine for me.
73 Joel W5ZN
-----Original Message-----
From: Wade Walstrom [mailto:
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10015] Re: Committee
Renaming Proposal
"Programs and Services" works for me.
Wade W0EJ wrote:
> Wade:
> The original EC proposal called it "Programs and
Services" and according
> the info Dave sent out in the notice of
Bylaw changes back on December 19,
> 2003, the A & F proposal also called it "Programs and
Services." However,
> at the Board motion that was passed out
at the meeting, the Combined
> Proposal, it is called "Programs and Member Services."
> Hum...... somehow that word "Member" got in there along
the way.
> Wade does bring up a good point about calling it "Member
Services and
> Programs." Not a bad
idea perhaps, or maybe we should go back to
> Services." I could go
with either.
> 73,
> Rick - K5UR