The minutes of the March 9, 2013 meeting of the Executive Committee include the following: 4.1.3. In GN Docket No. 12-91 the FCC solicited comments as to whether its rules create impediments to enhanced Amateur Radio communications capabilities. Some commenters identified the rules that proscribe encryption as being an impediment, in view of privacy concerns and the obligations of some served agencies under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). After discussion it was agreed that Mr. Sumner and Mr. Imlay, with assistance from staff as needed, will prepare a briefing paper detailing the significant aspects of the encryption issue for circulation to the committee no later than June 30. New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI will be invited to participate. The FCC has now placed the attached petition on this subject by Don Rolph, AB1PH on public notice as RM-11699. The public notice is dated June 7 and says that comments on the petition are due within 30 days of that date, but the petition was not posted on the Commission's website until yesterday so I think a good argument could be made that the comment deadline should be July 10. The ARRL does not routinely comment on petitions other than those that threaten amateur spectrum until they reach the Notice of Proposed Rule Making stage. However, this subject is of sufficient import that it may warrant being an exception. The briefing paper for the EC is a work in progress. At this point Chris and I have determined that HIPAA does not require encryption of communications by radio and have found no instances of radio amateurs' services being declined on the grounds that they cannot be encrypted. If anyone on ODV has specific information to the contrary we would appreciate receiving it. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ