
The  Board voted to change the date from just the "QST publication date", and added a fixed date of "the first business day in July". The exact QST publication date is variable and has to be tracked down every month. The new digital version muddies that up even further, and not everybody subscribes to the digital version.

My guess is that Digital QST probably comes out well before the print version. My print QST doesn't make it out here in the west coast boonies via covered wagon until the 2nd or 3rd week of each month. My July QST will be here in about another week or two, if I'm lucky. I'm sure New England hams don't have to wait so long. 

Here is the current exact wording from the website: 

Timetable for ARRL Director and Vice Director Elections

First business day of July -- "Call for Nominations" announcement published on ARRL website and in July  QST.

If some candidates have access to the July QST issue in June, I guess they get a head start. 


On 07/02/2020 10:32 AM Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <> wrote:

Hi Michael,

The digital version of July QST actually becomes available to members in early June, which serves as the “appearance of the first solicitation for same in QST”, and members receive their hard copies  soon after. As such, we start getting requests for nomination applications at the beginning of June when they first receive the July QST. I just wanted to clarify that in case it comes up.



From: Michael Ritz <>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:20 AM
To: arrl-odv <>
Cc: Deidre Methe <>; Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <>
Subject: Fixing of By-Law 18

Attached is a new motion (Ritz 3) that provides a minor fix to the text of By-Law 18 so it matches the motion put through by the E&E last January that updated  to election rules. This is related to the date the Director election cycle begins each year.  



