Hi all:
This is a reminder that we will have an
Executive Committee meeting on Thursday, June 9, at 11:00 AM Eastern.
Listed below is the zoom info and the agenda as
it stands right now.
The Board meeting is a month away and I’d like to try something different in
preparing for the meeting. Usually there are 13, maybe 14, Directors on the EC
meeting zoom calls, plus a good number of Vice Directors. Consequently, following
the EC meeting this Thursday, I’d suggest that we take time to have a pre-Board
work meeting to help us better prepare for the Board meeting.
I’d like to ask the committee chairs for
A&F, PSC, E&E, and ECFSC to report on any matter or motion that might
come up from your committee at the Board meeting. I realize that A&F and PSC will be meeting the
day before the Board meeting, but tell us what you anticipate.
The same goes for individual Director motions
and issues. It would be good to bring them up, too, including any matter needing
discussion at the Board level coming from an advisory committee for those who
are advisory committee liaisons.
This business of spending extended time mere editing
and wordsmithing motions during the Board needs to improve.
Let’s please have some frank discussion about
our thoughts ahead of the Board meeting so that we can do a better job.
See you all Thursday.
Rick - K5UR
Executive Committee Meeting
Time: Jun
9, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:
832 8573 0698
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8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID:
832 8573 0698
ARRL Executive Committee Meeting
11:00 AM Eastern June 12, 2022, via Zoom
Welcome and consideration of the agenda for the meeting
2. Approval
of agenda
3. Chief
Executive Officer/Secretary's update
4. FCC
Counsel's update and FCC matters
5. Legislative
Advocacy Committee update – Director Stratton
6. Recognition
of new Life Members
8. Other
9. Adjournment