Vol. 34, No. 19
May 11, 2011 -- Covers the period May 1-7.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Programs & Services Committee:
June 18 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ
Technical Relations
Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX
While Jon Siverling is on medical leave I will stand in for him at a series of meetings from mid-May to early June, beginning with CITEL PCC.II in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, next week. Attending on the United States delegation, I will seek to solidify and strengthen CITEL's affirmative proposal for an amateur allocation at MF at WRC-12. I will also be attending a WRC-12 briefing for member states of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union to be held just prior to the PCC.II meeting.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
As reported last week, following the tornadoes in the South, two new Public Service radio announcements were made. This week we have received a number of reports of the PSAs being heard on several broadcast stations and Sirius Radio. In addition, Alabama hams in Madison County heard them and then requested a specific audio PSA just for their own local use there. This was done and the file of the PSA plus the audio files used to make it were sent to them for their localized use. Ed Tyler, PIC for Alabama, has agreed to be a key speaker at the PR Forum in Dayton (Friday 2:30). We are still answering some questions for clarification from media about HR-607 issues, but these have substantially diminished.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
Response to the Spectrum Defense Matters solicitation picked up and revenues to date total $117,137 with a healthy $78 average contribution. This total brings the Defense Fund to 33% of its 2011 goal.
The Diamond Club net revenue has reached $120,278 or 43% of the 2011 goal. Through April Diamond Club net revenue is up 18% over the same period in 2010. The number of pledges year-to-date has reached 330—up 139% over the first 4 months of 2010. Renewals are up 9.5% over 2010 and the average contribution is up 11.8%.
Plans are complete for the annual Donor Reception in Dayton. ARRL will host 130 guests and staff at Meadowbrook Country Club. This event will feature remarks by David Brandenburg, K5RQ Chairman of the Second Century Campaign and will be first public presentation about the campaign to our donors. Members of the campaign committee will be in attendance.
100 bricks were added to the Diamond Terrace last week.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for May 5, 2011.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Bob Allison and Joe Carcia demonstrated Oscar 1 in the Lab. It ran for over 24 hours without significant drift or reduction in power output. It was then carefully packed up, along with a modern satellite receiver, for its trip to Dayton, Ohio.
Feedback from our Dayton kit building volunteer instructors has been positive regarding the two kits we will offer. The volunteers have spotted all possible snags (there are only a few) that a novice kit builder may experience during construction. All four volunteers have returned for their third kit building exhibit!
Zack Lau uploaded the recent RF Safety Board reports to the web site. They are at http://www.arrl.org/arrl-rf-safety-committee-board-reports
Mike Gruber is in Pittsburgh PA, teaching FCC staff how to locate power line interference using both a 400MHz Yagi/AM receiver and an ultrasonic dish.
Ed Hare spent the week in Austin, TX at the ANSI asc C63 EMC Committee meeting. He reports that all of his proposals to measure distance extrapolation below 30 MHz were unanimously accepted by the Working Group developing a standard to measure the emissions from unlicensed intentional emitters. The proposals centered around having conservative estimates of extrapolation inside and outside the wavelength/2pi boundary, or making separate measurements of actual extrapolation both inside and outside that boundary. The standard will still be subject to C63 approval and ballot, but the unanimous acceptance is a very good sign that the methodology proposed is scientifically valid. It is also consistent with ARRL’s filing with the FCC in the BPL rulemaking matter. He indicates that this process should be kept behind the scenes for now, so as not to have the BPL industry choose to become heavily involved in this particular standards process.
Product Review
Bob Allison completed testing of a late model HF/6m transceiver for Product Review. A Data Table and charts were created for publication. The transceiver will shortly be passed along to the reviewer.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Now Shipping: ARRL’s Small Antennas for Small Spaces and ARRL's Hamspeak: A Dictionary for Radio Amateurs.
Recent publication solicitations are reaching mailboxes, including a new publications catalog and a self mailer featuring new titles.
A large membership campaign will mail on Thursday, May 12. The mailing includes large segment of lapsed and “never” members.
A West Gulf Division ARRL membership recruitment drive, involving ARRL-affiliated clubs in Oklahoma and Texas, yielded membership applications from 29 new members and 20 renewals. Membership Manager Diane Petrilli supported the effort with recognition certificates for the 14 participating radio clubs. Director Woolweaver and Diane lead a webinar preceding the drive, sharing information and resources to help field volunteers with ARRL membership recruitment.
To help support the new provider of the ARRL Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Program, information about the benefit was updated on the ARRL Web site. A broadcast e-mail was sent to members about the change of provider and including a link to the new enrollment site at ARRLinsurance.com.
We continue to navigate planning details for ARRL’s exhibits and activities at Dayton Hamvention and the ARRL National Convention at Ham-Com. All materials for Dayton have been shipped. Complete details for both events can be found by visiting www.arrl.org/expo.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
On Sunday, May 8, members of the Candlewood ARA were on hand to operate W1AW in the 2011 New England QSO party. Active on 20 meters, they made 263 contacts, with 40 sections, for an initial claimed score of 10,520.
Joe updated the web code practice files. He processed one Qualifying Run certificate. Joe finished the assembly of the OSCAR 1 satellite and conducted tests on its transmitter. He also wrote a short article about the W1AW 80-meter cage for inclusion in the ARRL Antenna Book.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of May. He also hosted CARA members during their activity.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck Skolaut received a report of alleged interference to the International Handicapped net on 14287 kHz, and this was forwarded to regional Official Observers. Documentation of continued disregard to OO advisories sent by a South Texas OO was forwarded to the FCC. The STX OOC is following up on a report of a cancelled call being used on a local repeater.
The business use of a Missouri repeater resurfaced, and information was also forwarded to the FCC. Intruder reports this past week included unidentified digital signals and an Over The Horizon Radar on 17 meters. Questions handled this week included the following; technician privileges, operating overseas, antenna zoning, proper identification, and frequency coordination. OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers were informed that the revised Amateur Auxiliary training guide for Official Observers is now available online, and a number of printed copies were also requested.
Steve Ewald completed initial editorial work on the Public Service column and the 2010 Simulated Emergency Test Results article that are scheduled for publication in July QST. Headquarters staff members continued to be in touch with Alabama Section Leaders and many other radio amateurs who have been helping with the relief efforts following the outbreak of the April 27th tornadoes.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 5/30 Holiday
All Staff 7/4 Holiday
Jon Bloom 4/26-5/18 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/27 Vacation
Steve Ford 8/8-8/12 Vacation
Scott Gee 5/19-5/20 Vacation
Mike Gruber 5/31-6/3 Vacation
`` 7/11-7/15 Vacation
Joel Hallas 5/17-5/27 Vacation
Sabrina Jackson 5/26-6/6 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 5/12 Vacation
Zack Lau 5/13 Vacation
`` 6/16-6/17 Vacation
Allen Pitts 5/13 Vacation
`` 5/26-5/27 Vacation
`` 6/15-6/17 Vacation
`` 7/1 Vacation
`` 7/20-7/22 Vacation
`` 7/28-7/29 Vacation
John Proctor 6/22-7/8 Vacation
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings
Bob Allison 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Margie Bourgoin 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH/Vacation
Jackie Ferreira 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Steve Ford 5/19-5/24 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH/Vacation
Mike Gruber 5/19-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Ed Hare 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dan Henderson 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Mary Hobart 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Sabrina Hughes 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Amy Hurtado 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Harold Kramer 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Diane Petrilli 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Allen Pitts 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dave Sumner 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Steve Ford 6/1-6/3 Assoc. Media Publishing Conference
Dan Henderson 6/2-6/8 Wyoming State Convention, Cheyenne, WY
Bob Allison 6/8-6/11 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Jackie Ferreira 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Mike Gruber 6/9-6/10 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Dan Henderson 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Mary Hobart 6/9-6/11 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Amy Hurtado 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Bob Inderbitzen 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Harold Kramer 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Diane Petrilli 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Allen Pitts 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Dave Sumner 6/9-6/13 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX
Brennan Price 6/13-6/22 ITU-R Working Party 5A, Geneva
Dave Patton 6/23-6/26 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Brennan Price 6/23-6/26 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Brennan Price 7/13-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT
Brennan Price 8/5-8/6 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
Chuck Skolaut 5/23-5/26 NVOAD Conference, Kansas City, MO