Just to keep everyone in the loop, here is a communication just sent from Mike Corey to the Section Manager, Directors and Vice Directors who are in the possible path for Hurricane Irene. As Mike has noted in his email, all of us involved in EmComm here at HQ are watching this situation closely.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
ARRL Chief Operating Officer
860 594 0220
From: Corey, Michael, W5MPC
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:30 AM
To: Morine, Bill (SM,NC); Clark, Gene (SM,GA); Eakin, Paul (SM,NFL); Fowler, David, (SM S. FL); Turner, Dee (SM WCF); Tarplee, Marc (SM,SC); Clements, Carl (SM,VA)
Cc: Sarratt, Greg (Dir,SE); Hartlage, Andrea; Bodson, Dennis (Dir, Roanoke); Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Vice Dir, Roanoke); Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Subject: Hurricane Irene
To: Section Managers – SFL, WCF, GA, SC, NC, VA
Re: Hurricane Irene
ARRL HQ is in monitoring mode for hurricane Irene. The ARRL HQ Emergency Response Team is keeping up with the latest news from NOAA and NHC as well as other national partners.
Although initial landfall is still a few days away we are starting to take action to get ready. Here are a few updates to pass along, please disseminate as you deem appropriate.
Initial Briefing Session – Thursday August 25 at 7pm Eastern time HQ will be hosting a briefing session for SM’s, SEC’s, PIC’s, HQ ERT staff, and Division officials. This will be an informal session to discuss what is being done ahead of the storm. The webinar briefing is by invitation only which will be sent out later today.
Emergency Net Frequencies – As your emergency nets gear up for activation please provide this information to HQ. We can share this information through the website and ARRL EmComm Twitter feed.
Section Updates – Please forward any news on Amateur Radio activity to ARRL HQ.
Volunteers – We are already anticipating that Amateurs will contact ARRL HQ to volunteer (unsolicited) to assist areas impacted by the hurricane. We will keep a list of those that do in case assistance is requested from the Sections. If for any reason you think that outside volunteers may be needed in your Section please forward to us your process for outside volunteers, necessary qualifications, and a point of contact.
We will continue to send updates out as needed. If there is anything HQ can do to assist please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thanks and 73,
Mike Corey, W5MPC
Emergency Preparedness Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Telephone: 860 594 0222