Ladies & Gentlemen:


Bob Inderbitzen’s complete report is available today [below], and while it doesn’t differ much from my earlier estimates in prior ODV, I wanted to share the full details with you. I believe that the $14,000+ in membership transactions (totaling 238 in all) which we secured in the Southeastern Division probably says more about the climate than any other factor.


Note that these events are overwhelmingly a credit-card-based business; while we pay 2.8 percent for the SQUARE product features including the card commission, we eliminate the risk and danger of carrying large amounts of cash, plus obtain good point-of-sale (POS) data in the process. These POS reports over time will enlarge our understanding of hour-by-hour traffic flows as well as provide year-to-year comparability. Then we don’t have to guess: was HamCation better last year or not.


Gallagher 2/15/17


Orlando HamCation - ARRL Southeastern Division Convention

February 10-12, 2017

Sales Reconciliation


$      3,319.00

Credit deposit from Square

$   11,052.57

Credit fees charged by Square

$         314.43

Credit: charged at ARRL

$                  -  

Coupons (publication discounts)

$                  -  

Gift Certificates

$                  -  

Total Receipts

$   14,686.00


$   14,264.00

Life Memberships

$         153.00


$         133.00

Awards (includes DXCC, etc.)

$           65.00

VEC Certificates

$                  -  

Diamond Club

$                  -  

Contributions - "General Fund"

$           42.00

Contributions - Spectrum Defense

$                  -  

QSL Bureau Fee

$                  -  

Product Sales

$                  -  

Orders shipped from ARRL

$           29.00

RSGB Subscription

$                  -  

Sales Tax (X.X%)

Starter Cash

$                  -  


$   14,686.00

Lapsed members: 30

First-time members: 16

Renewing: 191

New Life Membership Pledge (payment): 1

TOTAL: 238











Tom Gallagher – NY2RF

Chief Executive Officer

ARRL Headquarters

ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio

860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158