I have had a couple of questions lately about Field Recruitment. So I asked Membership Manager Diane Petrilli to provide some information and guidelines from about this topic. This information is also being sent to the SM list. If you have any questions, please contact Diane or me.
ARRL Membership Recruitment Program
To: ARRL Directors, Vice Directors and Section Managers
Thank You
Thank you for supporting ARRL membership recruitment at hamfests, conventions and radio clubs. Your efforts are critical to the vitality of ARRL and Amateur Radio. Below, please find information that may be useful as you continue to help with the important task of membership recruitment.
Exhibit and Display Materials
Ordering exhibit and display materials is easy. A selection of items are available at low- or no-cost, including hanging and standing banners, tabletop displays, table throws, inexpensive giveaways -- pens, stickers, magnets and WAS/frequency charts, as well as several handouts and brochures for a variety of Amateur Radio interest areas and uses. See what is available here or call 1-888-277-5289.
Membership Applications and “Free Gift” Signs
Please use the specially-coded (SEC) membership application on the ARRL web site. This application includes several free book premiums for new or renewing members and is always updated. You may also order a laminated tabletop sign to help draw attention to the “Free Gift” offer. Requests for printed applications and signs can be sent to dpetrilli@arrl.org. The sign can also be downloaded.
Recruitment Tips
Remember to always ask all your personal contacts at hamfests, conventions and club functions, "ARE YOU AN ARRL MEMBER?"
Please follow these guidelines when recruiting members and representing ARRL:
1. Review the ARRL Privacy Policy. For privacy and security, please keep an envelope with payments and applications close at hand at all times during the event. If you leave the booth for any reason, please keep the applications and payments on your person.
2. Return completed applications and payments within 24 hours. If the event is attended by ARRL staff, please give the completed applications and payments to the staff to return to ARRL headquarters. If the event is not attended by ARRL staff, return the applications and payments via First Class mail within 24 hours to Membership Manager, ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111. Please ensure that all applications are returned to ARRL. ARRL retains the original applications on file.
3. Complete an ARRL Membership Recruitment Reconciliation Form. Include one completed form per event, and include it with the package of applications and payment. This form will serve as a double check that we received all applications, and will provide us with an accurate way to track membership applications received by event.
4. Free Book Premiums. If ARRL supplies you with free book premiums to offer to members as a signing incentive, please give the premiums only to those members who join or renew their membership with you – not as giveaways to those who visit the booth.
5. Do not sell premiums, publications, or trinkets on behalf of ARRL. The promotional materials and incentives may not be used for resale.
Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF – Membership Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA
Telephone: (860) 594-0297 FAX: (860) 594-0303
email: dpetrilli@arrl.org
web: www.arrl.org