All, I tend to stay out of discussions on ODV, but on this one,let me say something. First, it soundslike I’m tooting my own horn, but I have forty-plus years in thevideo/television/film industry. I thinkI know a few things about this. Ed Hudgens is right. This is not complicated. Fred hasa point that we all need to think about using videoconferencing. The relative costs are small, and will be farless than our usual travel budgets. But we don’t need to purchase anything. At most, individuals may want to upgradetheir webcams. There are goodinstructions out there on how to use the various sites, and if need be, I canwrite up something or do a video for YouTube just for the group on how to setthings up and what to look for. Everyoneshould be able to work a DIY on this, and help could be available for those whoneed it. In the last week I have attended one club meeting (moreattendees than the usual in-person meetings) two other informal radio meetings,and two extended family gatherings. AndI have just been asked to help live-stream church services between now andEaster. It’s all off-the-shelfequipment. Most of it is knowing one ortwo techniques (using computer equipment you already own) to make things lookand sound a little better. I’ll be gladto help. 73, Tom W8WTD On Sunday, March 22, 2020, 04:25:44 PM EDT, Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote: Hello Fred et al, I have purchased a “pro” level Zoom account that has been used for every CEO Search Committee meeting. I have experienced most every available platform, and Zoom also happens to be the service used by the ‘Lab. It is not expensive in single-off packages and a group of “seats” is actually quite reasonable. The quality and usability is much better than Skype.. and most others. . The League should consider a multiple seat option that can easily be managed through HQ.... and again I would strongly suggest Zoom. 73, Kermit W9XA Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:22, hopengarten@post.harvard.edu wrote: Colleagues, The world has changed. In the next 10-15 weeks, we will hold a lot of video teleconferences, some/many replacing face-to-face meetings. For example, the Executive Committee meeting scheduled to follow the Dayton HamVention is not going to happen at the Dayton Marriott. I propose that: · We do what we must to permit Zoom/WebEx/Skype videoconference meetings under our bylaws. · In my life, Zoom seems to be winning these days. But I have no religious preference. Pick one and proceed. · We solicit from someone we trust information on a standardized package of camera, headset and backdrop that we can buy in bulk for $200. --The camera should self-focus and follow (K3RF has one and it is really nice to watch). --The headset should deliver decent audio through its microphone, and eliminate the hollow/echo sounds of some cameras with built-in microphones in some rooms. It might also quiet down the sounds of barking children and crying dogs (or vice versa). --The backdrops should be cheap, and easy to set up, but prevent the camera from being blinded by reflection off windows, and the like, as well as the distraction of trying to figure out what is going on behind the person then speaking · W e force the CFO to allow payment for each “studio” set up for these meetings to come out of each Division budget (i.e., no additional budget, but, as this is going to substitute for travel, it seems like a perfectly reasonable substitution) · I’m suggesting a standardized package to permit our IT and technical people to be better positioned to help out when problems arise. · It seems to me that this is a matter that should be routed through the A&F Committee. But, as described in the immediately preceding bullet, it should not change any Division budget. · If we buy in bulk, purchasing 30-35 of these packages, we should be get the price down below $200 per studio. I would remind all that the $6000-7000 cost is less than the cost of one in-person EC meeting. · When we are ready to implement, I suggest the technical team prepare a two page memo on how to set up the camera, headset and backdrop, as well as how to initiate and join (just a URL for a good YouTube video). As we are all now enjoying a new reality, and the greatest need is within the next 10 weeks, I urge fast action. Fred Hopengarten, Esq. K1VR hopengarten@post.harvard.edu Six Willarch Road Lincoln, MA 01773 antennazoning.com 781.259.0088 | | Virus-free. www.avast.com | _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv