E-mail to the WV section to contact Senator Manchin D-WV sent and available
for viewing on the ODV "Log of sent Division/Section e-mail messages" link.
'73 de JIM N2ZZ
Director - Roanoke Division
Serving ARRL members in the Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina and
North Carolina sections
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur RadioT
-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kay
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 12:48 PM
To: ODV Reflector
Subject: [arrl-odv:24793] Good going!
Thanks to all who have thus far responded to the call for action. I've also
contacted Honorary VP Frahm and past Director Ahrens asking them to contact
their Senators. If you think of some past ARRL officials in the relevant
states, please reach out to them personally.
Brian has pointed out that today's a federal holiday and some Senatorial
offices may not be answering their phones. E-mail is still working, though,
and the phones will no doubt be staffed tomorrow.
I'm almost to the end of the list of Section Managers in the affected
states, asking them to contact their Senators and sound the alert to
We will have a news story out shortly. 73, Kay N3KN
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