I pulled the nxtbook version up on my wife's iBook and it looks great - very sharp and crisp copy. 

Sent from Gary's iPhone 4.

On Jan 24, 2011, at 8:15 AM, Gary Johnston KI4LA <ki4la@arrl.org> wrote:


I am able to read the Nxtbook demo easily from my iPhone 4. So maybe they are detecting the platform and transcoding their content to match. 

73 de Gary KI4LA


Sent from Gary's iPhone 4.

On Jan 22, 2011, at 8:23 AM, "Kay Craigie" <n3kn@verizon.net> wrote:

Thanks for the demo copies, Harold. It may be just my eyesight, but I think the print in the Texterity version is a little sharper and easier to read. Also, the Nxtbook version uses Adobe Flash, which is not supported on Apple products such as the iPad. In my opinion this is a distinct drawback of that platform. 73 – Kay N3KN