I do get where he’s coming from though. It’s an effective marketing technique. You want to make people feel like they’re part of an exclusive club and this can keep people engaged. 

I know exactly where he’s coming from, given the industry he was in where this marketing tactic was widely used.


On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM Mickey Baker <fishflorida@gmail.com> wrote:
A confidentiality mechanism as a promo to someone who has just joined the community of worldwide communicators? 

Keep thinking, but this seems antithetical to me.

The Duffy reference - this is a potential advertisement placement and should be constructed in a way to allow participation by any or all of our vendors on a competitive basis. We don’t want to give the impression that “this is the ARRL, sponsored by DX Engineering.”


On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 2:27 PM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> wrote:

One of the ideas that I am playing with is how to get someone newly licensed engaged or connected with us.  This is an out of the box idea to create a mailing to new hams that looks like an official document “FOR NEW AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS ONLY!”.  Upon opening, the reader would be requested to go to a URL and not share it with anyone – it is for their eyes only.


The URL would be a tiny.url that would take them to an unbranded website showing them that they can GAIN ACCESS to different things they NEED to try as a new ham.  They need to respond with their email address and a one-time code will be sent that they can use to open the door.


Once on the site and accessing the content, there would be mentions and links to content on ARRL.org.  There would be a way for them to sign up for membership, but it wouldn’t be in their face.  Or maybe it would.


When I bounced the idea off Tim Duffy, he said that DX Engineering would be willing to fund the initiative and also provide a $25 or $50 coupon off anything at DXE just to get these new hams on the air.


It is a working title: ‘rouge website’ as we think about and develop the idea.  We can implement rapidly because it doesn’t need to be a secure site and we can also do rapid A/B testing of ideas to see what works and what doesn’t.  The goal is to zoom in on what works well and really ramp it up.  And in the meantime, we’ll be collecting email addresses and permission from people to contact them about getting active and becoming a member.




From: Kermit Carlson <w9xa@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 1:50 PM
To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:31550] CEO Status Report - 12/2020


Hello David


          Please let us know what is meant by;

"licensee ‘rouge’ website –unique direct

marketing; stand alone website; DXE to fund "


     at the end of your report.


                     HNY es 73, Kermit W9XA


On Monday, December 28, 2020, 4:38:13 PM CST, Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> wrote:



I hope that this report format and level of detail will meet your expectations regarding a CEO monthly status report.


If so, I will continue on with this format and use it as a ‘rolling status’ in that once items are reported as complete, they will fall off the list, and new items will come onto the list.  The current status report should always give you a window into basically everything that is going on.  If something isn’t here?  Its omission is not intentional – let me know and I will add it.


In addition, other than detailed reports closely associated with this, going forward you should not expect to learn anything new during the Board and EC meetings because the CEO status will have already been communicated.  If there are items you would like greater detail on for those meetings, this will be a great tool to identify them and get them on the agenda.


You will note that there is a significant amount of confidential information.  If this is, or becomes, an issue I am happy to remove the confidential matter from the monthly status report and use other means to communicate those items to a smaller group of recipients.  This is especially true in relation to any matters affecting staff, or where this report is used to initiate communications or create concerns with staff.  This is the risk, and the cost, of having total transparency within a large group of people.


I really believe this is going to be a great tool, and I am happy to provide this to you.



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