The blind leading the blind. Their discussion misses the important points to begin an analysis.
Makes me angry they do not follow the right legal analysis before complaining they were wrongfully stopped from operating. I may have missed it, but he did not say definitively that his legal restrictions with the HOA allowed ham radio antennas other than the 8-foot above roof restriction. He only had a ”permit” exception for a VHF/UHF antenna. If his HOA restricts ham radio and/or antennas for HF, then they are within their power to order his antennas down or no transmissions of RF, even if the ham is not the source of the interference. They wonder all over in this extended, prolix interview. So does the HOA prohibit operations? If not, they have little power to “order him off”. If so, they can. The federal license issue has little to do with private contract restrictions.
Bob Famiglio, K3RF
Vice Director - ARRL Atlantic Division
From: arrl-odv On Behalf Of Baker, Mickey, N4MB (Dir, SE)
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 3:48 PM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:32767] Ocala Ham speaks to YouTube broadcaster