Vol. 40, No. 20
June 10, 2015 — Covers the period May 31-June 6.
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events
LoTW Study Committee
July 15 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
July 16 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
July 16 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Second Board Meeting
July 17-18 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Diane Petrilli reports that May ended with 166,939 members, putting us 77 members ahead of the year-to-date goal.  This represents a loss from April of 159 members; a gain of 211 was forecasted.  The on-time renewal rate for May is 71.06% vs. 71.91% last May.  Our large exhibit at Dayton Hamvention contributed 143 new members this month.
Jackie Ferriera reports that May product sales were $285,362, falling short of the sales forecast of $321,008.  Direct sales were $180,970; dealer sales were $104,392.  Sales at our exhibit in Dayton contributed $54.6k to direct sales this month ($59.1k in 2014, $60.2k in 2013, $66k in 2012).  New book “Propagation and Radio Science” contributed sales of $16,896 (786 units).  The 2015 Field Day product line contributed $33,168 in sales this month.  Not included in the month’s totals were 700 orders for backordered Field Day merchandise fulfilled during the first week of June, and $7,209 in royalties earned from sales of Kindle-edition ARRL digital publications.  The “Training Aids” category exceeded the sales forecast by $5.6k due to the introduction of The ARRL General Class License Manual eighth edition (spiral and soft bound editions).
Yvette Vinci reports that on Tuesday, May 19, a reminder emailing was sent to members with a summary of “What’s trending” in June QST—taking advantage of some early analytics shared by Alli Barbieri.  The notification was sent to 120,900 members.
A Memorial Day themed membership promotion, sent by e-mail, returned 50 new members.
On Thursday, May 21, we hosted visitors from the Clipperton DX Club, F6KOP Team, and the Union Française des Telegraphistes (UFT).  Another large tour group from Fort Herkimer Amateur Radio Association visited HQ on Friday, May 29.  Thanks go to all of our volunteer tour guides and staff who helped support these visits.
We have a full time position opening for the Front Desk Receptionist.  An experienced radio amateur is preferred.  Employment inquiries can be directed to Monique Levesque.
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa:
Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums
5/29/2015 1,018 376
5/22/2015 913 804
5/15/2015 1,131 377
5/8/2015 923 326
Field Services & Radiosport
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 4 Weeks
Logbook Processing Time 2–4 Business Days
Number of Centennial applications processed:
Centennial Challenge QSO 1945
W1AW/WAS 1498
Logbook of the World
Category June 2015
QSO Records Entered Into System 681,128,241
QSL Record Matches 111,344,209
Logs Processed 8,056,700
Active Certificates 115,080
Registered Users in System 77,509
Logbook Inquiries June 2015
Time on the Phone 18 hours
Phone Calls 147
Emails 1993
Total 2,140
Representatives from Northeast Lightning Protection LLC - a company providing commercial lightning protection systems and residential lightning protection systems – was on hand Thursday to survey W1AW and its current lightning protection system.  Overall, W1AW’s lightning protection system is good; however, a recommendation will be forthcoming from this company with regard to possibly daisy-chaining the towers.
Joe updated the code practice QST source web page.  He also processed seven (7) Qualifying Run certificates and three (3) Qualifying Run endorsements.  Joe created the June W1AW Qualifying Run texts and spent nearly two hours with the reps from Northeast Lightning reviewing the station.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Now that the June 5th receipt deadline for Section Manager nominations has passed, here is a summary the Section Manager summer election season.  There will be one election, and it will take place in the Los Angeles Section.  Incumbent Section Manager David Greenhut, N6HD, will face Phil Minch, K6MUG.
Carol Milazzo, KP4MD, was the only nominee in the Sacramento Valley Section.  Carol, of Citrus Heights, California, is currently the Assistant Section Manager.  She begins her term of office on October 1, 2015.  Ron Murdock, W6KJ, of Yuba City, decided not to run for another term of office.  He has been SM in Sacramento Valley since 2007.
The following Section Managers did not face opposition, and they will begin their new two-year terms of office starting on October 1.  Jack Ciaccia, WM0G (Colorado); Gene Clark, W4AYK (Georgia); Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV (San Francisco); Lee Cooper, W5LHC (South Texas); Mark Tharp, KB7HDX (Eastern Washington); Monte Simpson, AF7PQ (Western Washington); Charles Hardy, WV8CH (West Virginia).
One radio amateur from Oregon completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week.  Currently the total number of Official Observers across the nation is 746.  Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator.  Several complaints were received about language and racial slurs occurring on 7.185 MHz and interference on 14.313 MHz.  Chuck also conducted one morning code practice run at W1AW and gave a tour of headquarters to a former radio amateur and his son.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
--Spring issue of Radio Waves sent to 11,643 instructors, teachers and subscribers
--Very successful interaction at Dayton Education booth and adjoining West Chester ARA outreach booth, presentation by Larry Kendall, K6NDL on Engaging Youth in Ham Radio through Informal Education Opportunities was well attended with good audience interaction, youth luncheon with astronaut Mike Fincke a big hit
--Progress continues with IT’s work on development of the Instructor Activity database.
In May we received 27 instructor registrations, 9 teacher registrations and 23 class listings’
License Instruction
The new ARRL Technician-General Instructor’s Manual was sent to publisher.  Expected delivery is early June.  The PowerPoint modules were completed and the supporting web page developed and published.
Education & Technology Program
A disappointing number of applications for the entry level Teachers Institute led to cancellation of the 3rd session planned for Dayton.  Ten teachers have been accepted for the session at Parallax in Rocklin, CA and twelve for the session at headquarters.  While the applicant pool for the TI-1 was smaller than usual, we turned away applicants for the TI-2 on Remote Sensing and Data Gathering, filling that session with 10 applicants.  Resources have been ordered and are being shipped for the June Teachers Institute in Rocklin.
A promotion to ask clubs to consider funding a seat at the Teachers Institute was initiated at Hamvention and is generating interest.
The ARISS US management team accepted proposals from 14 schools/organizations to move on to the next stage of the process in which their equipment plan must be approved before being scheduled for a contact during the January-June 2016 period.
The failure of the recent Progress resupply mission has impacted scheduling on the ISS resulting in a delayed crew change and realignment of scheduled crew tasks.  The result is that licensed astronaut Lindgren will not be available for Field Day contacts or for scheduled contacts planned for July.  We are working with the Russian ARISS representative to determine if Russian crew can pick up some of these scheduled summer contacts.
The ARISS program is moving forward with a public fundraising campaign to raise needed funds for continuing operations and equipment upgrades for the Columbus station on the ISS.
A face to face US management team meeting at Dayton was productive, providing time to address tasks we have been unable to get to during twice monthly telecons.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff               7/3             Holiday
Scott Gee               6/11-6/12       PTO
     ``                 6/18-6/19       PTO
Mike Gruber             6/1-6/5         PTO
      ``                        7/20-7/24       PTO
      ``                        8/24-8/28       PTO
      ``                        9/28-10/2       PTO
Dan Henderson   7/16-7/18       Board Meeting/Committee Meeting
Harold Kramer           6/19-6/26       PTO
      ``                        7/16-7/18       Board Meeting/Committee Meeting
Dave Patton             7/24-7/26       Oklahoma Section Convention, Oklahoma City, OK
Barry Shelley           7/16-7/18       Board Meeting/Committee Meeting
Dave Sumner             6/11-6/14       West Gulf Division Convention, Irving, TX
         ``                     6/23-6/29       Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany
       ``                       7/16-7/18       Board Meeting/Committee Meeting