As a matter of information, who are the members of this ad hoc committee. Who established the committee and appointed the members? The title and logo on the document suggest this is an ARRL committee. To the best of my knowledge ad hoc committees are established by the Board or the President, but I haven't found anything in the Board minutes reflecting that occurred.  

These questions are not intended to challenge the points raised in the document as they will stand or fall on their own merits.  Essentially the question seeks to clarify whether this is a report of actual ARRL committee or an expression of the views of one or more interested members of the board family.

Jay, K0QB

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 10, 2017, at 2:22 PM, <k6jat@comcast.net> <k6jat@comcast.net> wrote:

Please see the attached report.
<Ad Hoc Comm Rpt 7-10-17.pdf>
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