OK, Bruce, now any thin veneer of faux sophistication I may have once had is completely gone, my reckless youth revealed.
Remind me to put in my next Board report a memo about confidentiality, which I will specifically bring to the attention of Tom Abernathy, a/k/a "ratfink #1" and Brian Mileshosky, a/k/a "Ratfink #2". As for you, go ahead, enjoy. There will, however, be retribution for all of this ridicule. Non-violent retribution, but retribution nonetheless!!!!!
For the record, I have not touched a CB radio since I obtained my Novice license (after I completed my uncle, W3YTS' 12-step CB rehabilitation program in 1975), except the one CB I bought and converted to 10 meters (specifically, so that there is no equivocation here, for operation above 28.300 MHz) in order to do mobile SSB. Using my ham radio call sign.
73, Chris