David Patton and other members of Staff are putting the finishing touches on the Centennial QSO Party, which will last throughout 2014. I don't believe the art work for the certificates has been done yet. He wrote to me, "I have been announcing the QSO Party at events with directions to watch the web. Response has been energetic. Ops enjoyed the Diamond DXCC and want something to do like this again." I hope everyone in the Board family will participate in the QSO Party event. W1AW will be operated portable from around the country during the centennial year. David reports that hosts and stations have been signed up for about 35 states so far. I don't have the list of states. If you have questions / suggestions about W1AW portable host stations, perhaps in your Division, please contact David directly. The Board's mandate to seek Congressional backing for W100AW has not been forgotten. As soon as Dave is back from vacation, we will kick this into high gear. 73 - Kay N3KN